Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, May 23, 2011

Some Hawaii pics

Hawaii was great! Our camera wasn't as water-proof as advertised so I don't have as many pictures as I'd planned. Here are a few from my cell phone:

 The top of Waimea Canyon. The drive up was beautiful, but by the time we got to the top, it was all fogged in. It was still beautiful!
 A new friend for Ashlyn at the top of the Canyon
 Too cute
 Date night....and umbrella drinks, YAY!!
Hanalei Bay on the North Shore

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Easter pics....

 Riding on Grace's car
 trying for a photo-op but it didn't work out as great as Mommy wanted it to
 wearing a princess crown
 look at all my Easter baskets!
eating all the M&M's

Monday, May 2, 2011

Happy Easter and Hello Spring!

We had a great Easter! We got up early so that we could go to church with Grandma and Grandpa. It was a good service and when we got back to Grandma G's we started on breakfast. What a delicious breakfast it was!! Yummy!! Grandma made us waffles (gf for me), quiche (a special gf one for me!) and fruit. It was all super delicious and I was full for hours.

Ashlyn enjoyed listening to the pastor's "stories" in church and singing all of the songs. She was really great during church and I was really proud of her! After church we tried to get have a little photo shoot with Ashlyn and cousin Grace, but do you know how hard it it to get a two year old and a one year old to both smile at the same time? I'll post a few later.

We've enjoyed a few great weekends recently. Weekend before last it was beautiful! We spent a good 8 hours outside working in our yard. Man was I sore after that! We raked and weeded and mowed and shoveled....and barely made a dent in all the work we need to do outside. Ashlyn loved being outside, helping us "work". She even had her own rake but she still wanted to use Mommy's or Daddy's!

Jered and I got the chance to go to Astoria Wine Fest last weekend. Grammy and Grandpa came to stay with Ashlyn and we got to spend time with our friends, drinking good (and even a little bad) wine, eating good food and having lots of laughs! It was a pretty great weekend, even if it did go by super fast. We were barely gone 24 hours but it was worth it because it was a fantastic 24!

We are getting super excited about Hawaii, the countdown has begun! I'm a little worried about Ashlyn on the airplane but have my fingers crossed. She loves airplanes and I've been telling her all about our trip. She's excited to fly on an airplane. The other day we saw an airplane and I told her we were going to go on  airplane. She asked me, "All the way in the clouds??" Usually when we see an airplane and I ask her where's the airplane going she says, "to Hawaii!!" Today she saw an airplane and I asked, "where is the airplane going?" She said, "to Canada!! To see Grandma Mac and Papa Mac!!"

We're off for Hawaii soon and we need to say a big THANK YOU to Papa and Grandma G for the little gift they sent in the mail today! We all really appreciate it and will definitely have fun with it! :o)

I'll try to post a few pictures and then a whole bunch of our Hawaii trip when we get back!!!