Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, July 25, 2011


Summer is half over and it feels like it's just getting started. This weather has not been the best! My flowers are confused, my strawberries really don't like it and my tomatoes might decide not to ripen at all. We on the other hand, have been busy busy as usual!

4th of July camping was a blast!! Ashlyn is a little camper, she loves it! She had so much fun playing with all of her cousins. They got dirty, they stayed up late, they ate junk food, it was pretty much pandemonium! We're still recovering. We got home the Tues after the 4th and had to go right back to work. Our weekends have been full ever since. I think our next available weekend is sometime in mid-Sept!

Ashlyn and I went to the zoo the other day. She loves the animals! We have a zoo membership so we go for just a couple of hours and see the animals we can see and then we go home. We don't have to feel like we have to see the entire zoo in one day. A couple of hours is about all Ashlyn can handle, then its nap time!

Grammy and Grandpa came up a few weeks ago and stayed with Ashlyn so Jered and I could go out with some friends. She got to go look at guns with Daddy and Grandpa and she thought that was pretty special. She stills talk about it even though she fell asleep and Daddy had to sit in the car with her most of the time!

We did a weekend trip to the coast last weekend. Jered had to be in Astoria Friday afternoon and we decided to make it a whole weekend trip. It was so much fun! We drove over Friday, dropped Jered off at his thing and then me, Ashlyn and the dogs got checked into the hotel. We relaxed for a few hours, I read a book and Ashlyn ran around on the balcony until he was done. After dinner, we sat in the hot tub and since it was raining, it felt fantastic! Saturday we drove down the coast to Lincoln City. We stopped in Seaside and Ashlyn rode the carousel and we did bumper cars.  She laughed the whole time on the carousel, she thought it was the greatest! She liked the bumper cars too but towards the end of the ride she got a little scared when they got bumped a little too much.  We had seafood lunch in Cannon Beach, walked around a little bit then headed south again. We stopped in Rockaway for some delicious smoked fish, then headed on to Lincoln City. As soon as we were checked into our hotel there we walked down to the beach and it wasn't two minutes on the beach before both dogs and Ashlyn were wet and sandy! On our way to find some dinner we saw a sign for a wine shop and since we cannot resist a wine shop, we had to go in. They were having a drum circle and Ashlyn got to play a few different drums. It was pretty cool! It took her a little while to warm up, she's so shy with people she doesn't know. But once Jered got in there and played a little she really went for it! We had more seafood for dinner because when you're at the coast you might as well eat seafood, right?? Before we left on Sunday, we had to walk on the beach one more time. We were unsuccessful in finding any tidepools but both Ashlyn and the dogs got all wet and sandy, again! It was quite the hike down to the beach from our hotel and Ashlyn walked up all the stairs all by herself both times! We had stop a couple of times to let her legs rest but she did it! We drove home through McMinnville and Dundee so that we could stop at a couple of wineries. We bought some great wine and when we got home and put it in the wine fridge Jered informed me we needed to buy another wine fridge because ours was full!

We had an especially busy weekend this weekend. We went to a bbq at Sam & Eli's new house on Friday night and Ashlyn was up way too late. Then Sat night she stayed with Grammy and Grandpa so Jered and I could help some friends with a wedding. One of my cousins stopped by my mom's house with a bunch of little kids so she was up late playing with the kids. Two nights in a row of her being up late does not make a happy kid. Sunday we went for a bbq at Papa and Grandma G's for Papa G's 80th birthday and she was not the happiest kid. What a pill! She didn't want anything to do with anyone except me or Jered. She napped for a little while and I think when she got up she was in an even worse mood! Oh the toddler stage!!

A few pictures to tide you all over for a while:

 Ready for camping!!
 Jered with my cousin Traci sitting round the campfire
Me and future cousin Luke
 I'm TWO!!.....Peace Out!!
 Riding bumper cars with Daddy
The carousel was FUN!!
Rolling down the hill at Daddy's softball game!!

these are all cell phone pics b/c I can't find the cord for my camera to download the camera pics. Its always something isn't it?