Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, March 17, 2012

What've we been up to?

We spent my birthday weekend at the District wrestling tournament in Monroe. The weekend after that at the state tournament here in Portland. Ashlyn was pretty sick another weekend. Then I surprised my mom at the airport last week and flew to Texas with her and my Aunts. Here are a few pictures of the activities:

 practicing my long jump
 Daddy says its never too early
 wearing Daddy's hat
 watching a movie on the computer. 
Yes, I am that cool to wear sunglasses inside!
 playing a matching game
 showing my Dragon pride!
with Uncle Keith
 Mommy and all the Aunts in Texas. 
Having a breakfast at the Cracker Barrel, 
or as Mommy says "the glorified Denny's!"
 Mommy and Grammy
 The Alamo
 really cool big old live oak tree at the Alamo
Having lunch at the Rainforest Cafe. Ross was such a sweetie, 
he gave Ashlyn his frog cup that is sitting in front of him. She loves it!

Texas was a ton of fun! My cousin was a super host! We ate some really mexican food and drank some really great margaritas. Probably one of the best margaritas ever and that's saying a lot because I've drank a lot of margs in my day! We toured the LBJ Ranch and Texas White House. Huge working ranch and then the house was a lot smaller than you would think for a President. Really nice house by anyone's standards but also quite modest. 

We also drove up to a town called Fredericksburg. Little touristy town, similar to Sisters, OR. I found two different tasting rooms to try some Texas wine. The first one was a total dud, and the second one wasn't too bad. I bought two bottles to bring home in my suitcase. A bottle of viognier, which is one my favorite wine varietals but not grown well in Oregon. I also bought a Pinot, which is grown very well in Oregon. The Texas variety was a lot different than an Oregon. It was a lot bigger, fuller, and more fruity. Very good, but not typical.

Another day we visited the Alamo and the Riverwalk. The Alamo was very small, smaller than you imagine it to be. So much history though! The Riverwalk and river cruise were pretty cool. I'd love to go back with Jered. I've never been called ma'am so many times in my life! and the first time I heard someone say "bless your heart" it was hard not too laugh out loud! My aunts love to stay up late and drink margaritas so all in all a very fun and successful trip! 

Ashlyn seemed to grown an inch though in the six days I was gone. She is growing up way too fast! The things she says and the way she says them cracks us up! She likes to do everything by herself. Get dressed, get undressed, pick out her clothes etc. Some of the outfits she comes up with are pretty colorful! She's opinionated and bossy. If she thinks you're not doing something right, she'll tell you! She loves to sing, read books, dance, jump and do somersaults on her mat. She loves to watch TV, which we restrict, but she is allowed to watch a movie every once in a while. Barney is her new favorite. She got some birthday money from Papa and Grandma Mac and she picked out a Barney movie, an Elmo book and a stuffed Elmo doll. She has an imaginary sister and brother. Her sister's name is Ashlyn (of course!) and she's not sure what her brother's name is. Don't get too excited though. She's happy with the imaginary ones. When you ask her if she wants Mommy and Daddy to bring a baby home, she says No! She's living the good life being an only child, smart girl!

Sorry for so long between posts! My St. Patty's Day resolution is to post more often :)