Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Easter, farming and more yard work

We've been busy outside getting our place looking nice. We've still got a lot to do, unfortunately the weekends are too short! If we could have 5 days off and only work 2 days, we'd be making some serious progress! 
I'm so happy we got all of our berries planted! We had to change our original plan of where we were going to put them. We watched the security cameras from a day with all sun to see where go the most sun. It was not our original location. Now we have them in the front near the pond. Strawberries and raspberries in raised beds and blueberries as well. We did raised beds for the strawberries and raspberries and let me tell you....shoveling two trailer loads of dirt is hard work!
We've also been planting some flowers and working on the yard. Getting rid of the weeds and making it look thick and green. Jered mowed the field with the riding lawn mower. It took him HOURS but he's happy he got it done. He said he didn't see much tansy but we both know we'll be out there hand pulling it before long. 

We brought home some baby chicks the weekend of St Patrick's Day. Originally we were only going to have 8. For some crazy reason we ended up with 12! So far they've been a lot of fun. At first they were just these little fluff balls. They grow super fast because they're huge now. If you would've told me 10 years ago I'd be raising baby chicks and ALL that that entails I would've told you you were crazy! But here I am scooping out chicken poop every night, fermenting their food and even had to wash chicken butts for the first week because one of the chicks had pasty butt. We're chicken farmers now!

Ashlyn spent spring break with my Aunt Jean and Uncle Hugh in Monroe with some of her other cousins. Uncle Hugh took them for a hayride everyday she told me! She was pretty excited about that. They also helped him feed the animals and even got to bottle feed some of the baby lambs. I can remember doing that when I was a kid too. Its so fun to see her getting to do some of the stuff I did. Uncle Hugh told her she can come back any time and she thought that was a great plan. She really liked being a farmer for a week! 

Easter turned out to be a beautiful day! The weather man called for showers but they held off until that evening. The girls were able to play outside and we even had them hunt eggs outside. Grandma and Grandpa fixed a wonderful dinner as usual. I was stuffed but made room for a super delicious gluten free pineapple cream pie Grandma made for me. She spoils me with yummy gluten free desserts! I brought the left overs to work with me and everyone else thought it was super delicious as well.

Ashlyn started T-ball this week. She was so excited because there's a boy from her class on her team and a couple other kids she knows from the other classrooms. Her coaches seem really nice and patient. The first day they were teaching them drills on how to throw and catch and also had a little batting practice. They had them line up to throw to each other and before she even got through explaining what she wanted them to do balls were flying everywhere! Corbett has two T-ball teams this year so we're hoping they are going to scrimmage each other this weekend, weather permitting. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures if they do. They haven't given us a schedule for games yet, as soon as they do I'll share. 

 We went to McMenamins on St. Patrick's Day. 
It was raining but still fun. Lots of stuff for kids to do. 
 Easter morning showing off her dress 
Aunt Jenny bought her for her birthday
 I couldn't get them to look at the same time.
Here's all three girls showing off the pretty dresses. 
 With Daddy
 With Mommy
First day of T-ball practice, batting practice