Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, February 15, 2010

Sick of sick!!!

Ashlyn got really really sick recently. She's just getting over pneumonia. I didn't even know that little kids like her could even get pneumonia! She had been coughing and pretty stuffed up off and on for what feels like forever. Then on SuperBowl Sunday she had a fever of 101.8 so I figured I'd better take her in to the doctor. We couldn't get in Monday, but got in Tues morning. The doctor listened to her lungs and looked in her ears and diagnosed pneumonia and an ear infection, which meant antibiotics. We had managed to avoid antibiotics until now, so we didn't do too bad the first year! Boy did they help though. It only took about two days on the medicine until she was feeling better. It was rough before that though. She was up crying for an hour to two hours four nights in a row. To say the least Jered and I were TIRED!!! She's been such a great sleeper and sleeping through the night pretty consistently since about 5 months old. We were in no way prepared for what four nights of no sleep felt like. The constant crying but not crying, wanting to be held but not held, just all around miserable. Poor baby! We go back to the doctor tomorrow for a check up to make sure she sounds better. I'm praying for a good prognosis, because pneumonia was really scary

Jered has been working A LOT lately, so he was doubly tired. Jered's old work curfew is back in full force. When we lived in LA, he pulled one work all nighter too many and earned himself a midnight curfew. The first part of his big project is due tomorrow and hopefully he'll only work half day.

Of course, now I'M sick! But, tomorrow is my birthday! and I want to go sushi, yummy!!

Ashlyn got to see her Grandpa Mac yesterday! He brought me the most beautiful bouquet of roses, hot pink! So pretty! Jered brought me roses last night for Valentine's Day too. I'm a lucky girl, what can I say :o)

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