Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 7, 2010


We had a lot of fun Halloween weekend! We went down to Monroe because Halloween was so conveniently on a weekend. Ashlyn dressed up in her LadyBug costume my friend Rach had given us at my babyshower TWO years ago. She was so darn cute and even kept her hat on for part of the night. Ashlyn was her usual shy self of course. She wasn't really in to the trick or treating so we just hung out at my dad's house for the afternoon and then went to my Uncle Larry's and cousin Tonio's house. Tonio and his wife Tracey took over the Halloween night party duties since Grandma Aggie passed. We had fun visiting with the family and eating popcorn balls. Ashlyn loved the popcorn balls! She doesn't eat very much sugar so it was a real treat for her. Plus my dad had bought her a cookie for her treat at his house so she was sugar loaded.

Jered had to work Monday after Halloween but I had the day off so I stayed at Mom's and made Mom take Monday off too! We did a few errands in Corvallis, had lunch, stopped at a few consignment shops. We picked Bailey and Macy up at their house when they got out of school and they all drove me and Ashlyn back to Beaverton. Ashlyn was super excited to see the girls and kept asking for them all weekend but they were with their mom for Halloween. As usual she was super sad to see them leave too. Instead of walking them out and waving goodbye, we tried to distract her. It seemed to work but she did ask "Where Macy go? Where Bai-ey go?" At least we didn't have total meltdown like the last time though.

Papa Mac was here last week. He  spent a few nights hanging out with us and Ashlyn. It was great for Ashlyn to get spend more time with him. He played peek a boo with her, one of her favorite games. She loves to 'hide' and let someone find her.When he left she asked "Papa Mac go?" for days!

We had a busy weekend again. Jered had a work function Saturday night in Vancouver that we went to. It was only a little bit lame but we did get to hang out with our friends that live up there. My friend Crystal's daughter Kayla babysat for us so we could go to Jered's party.

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