Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Some of my favorite things about Ashlyn:

1. The way she sings to herself at night after we put her in her crib. The other night she sang for 45 minutes before falling asleep and never once cried.

2. How she says "nopes" instead of nope.

3. How she loves to run around naked. Take this kids clothes off and she runs around like a little banshee!

4. How much she loves shoes! She changes her shoes half a dozen times per day sometimes.

5. When she hears a loud noise she asks, "Whats that loud mommy?"

6. "Mommy gonna get coffee?" when we pull into Dutch Bros.

7. "Wanna go to Aberson's (Albertson's) Mommy?" when we drive by.

8. "I see an AIRPLANE Mommy! Airplane!!" me: "where's the airplane going Ashlyn?" Ashlyn: "to HAWAII!!"

9. the way she gives the dogs hugs, and follows them around until they let her.

10. when she asks me to have a tea party and makes me "toast" in her toaster, then she pretends to butter it too.

11. the way she giggles and gets so excited for her snacks. you'd think the kid was starving!

12. how excited she gets for Jered to come home. As soon as she hears the key in the lock she's running for the door.

13. "Mommy sing ABCD's with me please" its not the ABC song, its the ABCD song!

14. the way she runs on her tip toes

15. the way she swings her arms sometimes when she walks, she walks with a purpose!

16. those eyes! those baby blues! and those sweet kissable pink cheeks!

17. when the dogs are barking she yells at them through the window "no barking Tori! no barking Sinder!" and she shakes her finger at them.

18. how much she loves to read and she loves to have us read to her. "read the ladybug book to me please mommy?" "itsy bitsy spider mommy?"

19. how she saw Jered and I doing rock, paper, scissors the other day and now she's always clapping her fist on her palm. little copy cat!

20. how she smiles when she sees Jered and I hugging or kissing. and then says "kiss daddy again mommy!"

21. when she says, "Mommy what are you doing right now?"

22. when she says "Good morning Mommy! How are YOU?" me: "I'm fine Ashlyn. How are you?" Ashlyn: "I'm fine too Mommy!"

23. how independent she is! Even though at times it drives me nuts, I love how she has her own mind and opinions.

24.  how happy she is when she wakes up in the morning or from her nap. We always know when she's awake because we hear, "Hi Mommy! I'm awake! I'm ready to get up!!"

25. how I can't imagine life without her! Everyone told me it would be this way and it really is true. I hardly remember what Jered and I used to do before we had Ashlyn.  I love her more every day! I love watching her grow and change. I love talking to her! I love when she sits on my lap and snuggles (it happens less and less these days)! This list could go on and on but mostly I just love HER!


  1. Fantastic.. she is special for sure.. :)

  2. Aren't they just precious? So glad you're enjoying your little girl. Treasure these moments, Kerri - they grow up fast!

    - Shelley White
