Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Another post with more Hawaii pics.....FINALLY!!

 On the airplane, waiting to take off for Hawaii
 Still waiting and still excited!
 taking a nap on the airplane
 we made it to Hawaii and I went swimming at Waikiki beach!
 Mommy and Daddy at the USS Arizona Memorial
 on the boat ride over to the Memorial
 with Mommy and Grammy
 with Grammy and Grandpa
 I'm pointing to where Grandma and Papa Mac live in Canada

 Mommy and Daddy on the submarine

 I don't think Daddy's supposed to be up there
 We're on the big ship..the Missouri

 Sitting with Mommy in the captain's chair
This is Spouting Horn on Kauai
 with Daddy at the top of Waimea Canyon
 walking up to the look-out that is the picture above
 Old Koloa Church in Koloa Town. 
I think the sign said it was built in 1869
 Our table at the Luau
 waiting for dinner
 Grammy and Grandpa.....Grammy with her eyes closed of course!
 Hanalei Church...Mommy loves old churches

 In front of the pretty flowers at Kauai Coffee Plantation
 It rained on us a little bit while we were there!
 Mommy really liked the tree in the background.
It had really pretty pink flowers on it
 This was our Mother's Day dinner at Duke's. 
It rained that night a rain like we'd never seen before!
We got soaked running for the restaurant from the car,
I thought it was pretty fun!
 At the restaurant. I had a PB sandwich but Mommy
had the best Seared Ahi she said she'd ever had.
 The Waimea River in the background
 Mommy and Grammy
 The waterfalls were pretty dirty b/c it rained a lot, especially at night.

We're all squinting b/c it was so bright outside!

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