Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

We visited Roloff Farms last weekend to pick out pumpkins and spend money! Three pumpkins cost us $31! Craziness! But Ashlyn had an awesome time! She ran all over the pumpkin patch, she saw the tiger, the serval, the horses. It was a lot of fun! Next year though, we'll probably go somewhere else. They wanted to charge for everything! Even the hay ride! Ashlyn  really liked the animals though. A really nice kid gave her some food to feed the goats. She picked out great pumpkins that had really good "handles" with Daddy. We took our picture by the tee-pee. It was worth the $31 :o)
the BIG chair
the goats
feeding the goats

looking at the sleeping bunnies
how bout that one Daddy?
its a good one!

family picture
our pumpkins
Get your mammograms Ladies!!

Ashlyn is doing awesome at school and at home! She's your typical 2, almost 3 year old. Always pushing her limits, always trying to see how far she can go. She still loves to sing, ANY song! Usually she requires your participation. If you don't sing like she wants you to, she'll let you know you're not doing it right AND  tell you the right way to do it! 

She's a big girl now, just ask her! She's peeing and pooping on the potty. She still needs a diaper at nap and bed time. A lot of the time though, she wakes up dry. She's very proud of herself and she starts giggling when she sits on the potty and she 'hears' the pee. She also needs to see the poop. If we're in a store or restaurant, she likes to go in the handicap stall and sit sideways so that she can hold on to the hand rails. We went to sushi the other night and Jered took her potty. She didn't go but 5 minutes later she needed to 'go' again. I took her then and when we were in there she told me "Daddy didn't do it right Mommy." Come to find out, he didn't turn her sideways so that she could hang on to the hand rail. She is definitely a girl of habit. If you do something one way, then that is the only way you can do it.

She's talking and asking questions constantly. The other day on the way to work we had this conservation: "Mommy I can't fit inside that bucket." Huh?What bucket baby? She says, "that bucket in that truck, I can't fit inside it." Oh that truck driving right next to us? Nope, you couldn't fit inside that bucket, you're way too big. "Me and Isaiah got in the box at school Mommy and we BOTH fit!" That's cool baby, was it a big box? "Yeah! It was!" Short silence...."When we went to the nurse, she poked me! And it hurt a lot!!!" Yeah I know baby, but she was giving you medicine in your leg. "I got my flu shot, right Mommy?" Yes baby you got your flu shot and Mommy got hers too. Short silence...."Did we go to the pumpkin patch Mommy?" Yes honey we did. "The girl cried Mommy cause she got stung by a bee!" Yes she did baby, it hurts when you get stung by a bee. (A girl was crying at the big hay pyramid and we heard she got stung by a bee. There were a lot of bees at the patch and she remembered it a few days later). 

It was a whirlwind of a conversation, she remembers everything!! You tell her something once and she remembers it. She needs to have a conversation before everything and anything. If she has a doctors appointment we have to start talking about it the night before. When she had school pictures, we talked about it for a couple of days before hand. After things happen, she talks about it for days afterwards. Yesterday, Grandma and Papa Mac came from Canada to visit (we had already talked about them coming for a visit for a few days before hand). Then we all went to visit Papa and Grandma G. Then we went over to see Grandma K! It was a lot of Grandmas all in one day! 

She had a blast playing with her cousin Nolan at Grandma K's house! They ran and ran and ran around Gma K's house. One of them would slam into a wall or door and a few seconds later we'd hear a giggle! They showed off to each other, they tried to one up the other, it was awesome! We've camped with them on Father's day weekend since the kids were born and they always have a blast! They  play SO well together! Ashlyn plays with lots of other kids but when her and Nolan are together, its really something! 

Ashlyn is looking forward to seeing her cousins Grace and Gwen. She knows that she has a new baby cousin Gwen and that Grace is coming to visit soon. She's also excited for Halloween! She's going to be a witch and she checks up on her costume most days (its hanging in the bathroom to get the wrinkles out). We are all looking forward to spending some QT with Papa and Grandma Mac! Its great to have them here from Canada for a few weeks!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Pictures from the summer:

Here's some pics from the wedding we went to in Kauai over Labor Day, the Kacalek family get together at the end of July and our recent Aquarium trip with my nieces:

 Our friends Wendy and Arrin

 Hawaiian drummers
 Our place cards
 Jered giving the dragon $$=good luck
 Inside the wedding tent
 Jered and friends from WRG taking shots at the bar
 Getting dressed up like foolios to take pictures in the photo booth
 Waimea Canyon=the Grand Canyon of the Pacific
 At the top of the canyon, the cloud cover cleared and we could see the ocean!!
 a very WILD ride!!
"da-plane, da-plane!!!" the same falls from Fantasy Island
 at Tunnels Beach
 Ashlyn made a friend of Cheyenne at the Kacalek picnic
 Kari and Grace
 playing on the hammock
 taking a bubble bath
 Daddy and Macy measuring their "wing-span"

Cousins together at the Aquarium
the jellyfish were awesome!