Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Pictures from the summer:

Here's some pics from the wedding we went to in Kauai over Labor Day, the Kacalek family get together at the end of July and our recent Aquarium trip with my nieces:

 Our friends Wendy and Arrin

 Hawaiian drummers
 Our place cards
 Jered giving the dragon $$=good luck
 Inside the wedding tent
 Jered and friends from WRG taking shots at the bar
 Getting dressed up like foolios to take pictures in the photo booth
 Waimea Canyon=the Grand Canyon of the Pacific
 At the top of the canyon, the cloud cover cleared and we could see the ocean!!
 a very WILD ride!!
"da-plane, da-plane!!!" the same falls from Fantasy Island
 at Tunnels Beach
 Ashlyn made a friend of Cheyenne at the Kacalek picnic
 Kari and Grace
 playing on the hammock
 taking a bubble bath
 Daddy and Macy measuring their "wing-span"

Cousins together at the Aquarium
the jellyfish were awesome!

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