Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Reason:

The reason I've not posted in quite a while is because after almost four years of writing this blog, I've reached my limit on memory. I've run out of memory space in the blog so I'm not allowed to post any pictures. I'm trying to figure it all out. I may have to delete some of the early pages, we'll see. I'll try to hurry it up though!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Since Canada......

What have we been doing since we got home from Canada?

Grandma and Papa Mac bought me this bear in Alaska 
and its been my favorite ever since. I sleep with him
every night, he goes to school with me every day, I share my vitamins 
with him, he brushes his teeth with me, we're pretty much inseparable!
Oh and his name is Bear
The weekend after we got home from BC, Daddy had this 
survey bbq thing. (shhh...don't tell Daddy but it was BORING)
The best part though, it was at this really great park in
Oregon City. The park had a splash pad, swings, slides!
Hi Mommy!!!
On our way to Seattle in the Mini! Yes, we all fit!
We dropped our dogs off in Vancouver though
(thank you Bowlings!) to play with their friends.
Mommy and Daddy can always find a winery!
Mommy had her ring cleaned, isn't it shiny???
Daddy is a good good man (that's what Mommy said!)
Gwen: the reason for our trip! Gwen's 1st birthday
I wore my favorite dress!
Papa G and Daddy
Grandma G and Auntie Kari
 Daddy went to a Beaver's game with Will & Roseann
 Mommy went to the Ducks game with Grandpa!
 anyone recognize this place?
it was the image used for a Groupon the other day :)
 playing dress up....again!
we emptied out Steve and Patsy's storage unit
in Woodburn. Phew!!! But where did all 
their stuff go???? hmmmmm........
at the pumpkin patch today, petting goats!
pony ride! This was my first time to ride a horse. 
I had a blast!!
McKenzie no hands Taylor
me, Brady and McKenzie
me and Daddy
McKenzie, Mommy and Me
Holy Cow!!
 Here I go.....
I see you Mommy
well Hi there!
obstacle course w/ Daddy
obstacle course slide
Yes I'm wearing a Beaver's hat and a Ducks sweatshirt. 
I'm a Platypus! I always root for the "right" team!
having fun with my friend McKenzie
with my Mommy! <3 br="br">

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Canada Trip Sept 2012

We had an amazing time on our vacation to see Grandma and Papa Mac in Canada! We took over 600 pictures and these are just a "few" that I settled on for the blog: ;)

 Kermode Spirit Bear in the Terrace Airport
 view of Lakelse Lake from Gma & Papa Mac's deck
 Daddy and Mommy sitting on the dock. That's Gma & Papa Mac's 
house in the back
 playing in the sand by the creek with Grandma Mac
 happy hour with the neighbors
 cool pic Daddy took
 fishing in the river with Papa Mac
 bear tracks by the river
 Daddy fishing 
 my time out log
 Mommy fishing
 on the boat, going down channel for two whole days!

 our shrimp pots. Papa Mac and Daddy dropped down 
over 300 ft. We left them for the whole days we were down
channel. Cross your fingers we get lots of shrimp!!
 being silly
 Making faces
looking for moose and bears, oh my!
 our cabin
 bear poop by our cabin
 Daddy is so cool! That's why Mommy married him!
 Papa Mac rowing me and Daddy over to the hotsprings
 enjoying the hotsprings
 this way to the restroom
 this was the deluxe bathroom! 
 cove where Mommy caught her salmon
 Mommy's salmon! Yay Mommy!!!
 Grandma Mac scooped the salmon up with the fish net just 
in time! The fishing line broke and we would've lost it.
 taking a nap on the boat
pulling up shrimp pots, there's lots of shrimp in them!
 They're huge!!
 silly Daddy! You have to cook them first!
 baby lobster, we threw him back
bucket o' shrimp
 Mommy and Daddy by Lake Meziadin on our way to Alaska
 first bear we saw, he was such a skinny guy
 the whole fam by Bear Glacier. On the road to Stewart BC
and Hyder AK
 Bear Glacier
 we made it to Hyder and Papa Mac is taking me over to the
Glacier Inn to get Hyderized! 
 Just kidding! Only Daddy and Papa Mac got Hyderized.
 Getting Hyderized is taking a shot of Everclear........
and keeping it down!
then you get to have your picture taken!
at the Glacier Inn you're supposed to put your name on 
$$ and put it on the wall. Then if you ever find yourself broke 
and in Hyder again, you'll always have $$. There was $$ here from 
the early 1900's. Pretty cool huh?
 with Grammy
 self-portrait with Mommy
 Salmon Glacier. Its the 5th largest glacier in North America
 It was pretty huge. The picture above is what you see
going down from the left on this pic.
 Mommy and Daddy
Yay! I made it to the top!!!
Daddy had to climb this platform
 One of the many beautiful waterfalls
 Fish Creek, lots of bears come here to eat the spawning salmon.
This was a Mama and her little cub, too cute. Dangerous but cute!
 Mama bear
 baby cub following her Mama into the woods
 maybe the Daddy bear?
 sorry Daddy but this was the only moose we saw in Canada!
 Dash Bistro, a diamond in the rough, in Stewart, BC. The best
venison-elk burger you may ever eat.
 making bear faces
for my dorky surveyor Daddy; the cut out in the
trees is the International line between the
US and Canada
 Dorky surveyor Daddy at the survey monument marking
the International Line
 Our whole family having a survey moment!
 Welcome to Alaska Grammy and Grandpa
Hello, from Alaska!
 spawning salmon
 Walking the line with Grandma Mac
 watching Mommy, Daddy and Grandpa
in the boat on Lakelse
 with Grandpa
playing on the beach with Grandma Mac
 View of Gma & Papa Mac's house from the airplane going home.
Their house is about 1/3 over from the left
view of the channel from the airplane. Kitimat is many 
miles to the right of the picture