Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Here's a few more pics from the last month or so. We made a trip over to the coast w/ my mom and Eddie. We had a lot of fun! We spent some time on the beach looking at the tide pools and even saw some seals. We ate a lot of seafood, yummy! We swam in the heated outdoor pool, which Ashlyn loved! We visited the Hatfield Marine Science Center. A lot smaller than the Aquarium but just as fun. 

 Random photo=funny faces
too blue eyes
 trip to the beach: we climbed all over the rocks, 
looked at the tide pools, saw seals, ran on the beach
 the seals are right in the center of the image. 
we were closer they look
 lots of starfish and sea anemones
 it was very windy and cold!
 at the Marine Center looking at the fish in the aquarium

 pretending to feed the fish
 touch tank
 trying to get a picture next to the flowers
 she was being too silly
who me?

We have been busy busy as usual! Every year we tell ourselves we're going to keep more time for ourselves, but we never do! 

We had a fantastic time in Vegas with Justin and Steph. It was really relaxing. We layed at the pool, we walked and walked, we ate way too much food, probably drank a few too many drinks. But hey, its Vegas baby! Jered and I had tickets to see Garth Brooks and it was an amazing concert! Totally worth the money! I would recommend it to anyway who is even slightly thinking about it. The tickets were expensive but I'd do it all over again.

Ashlyn has been doing great! She will probably be moving up to the next class sometime in the summer. She already visits the upper class on most days. To move up she has to be totally potty trained and we're almost there. She still needs a diaper at nap and night time. We're working on it, but it may take a while.

My mom came up last weekend and watched Ashlyn so Jered and I could go to a wedding. I work with the bride and Jered works the groom. After we went to Edgefield with some friends and had a really great time. We had such a great time we stayed out till 1230am! It was so nice to have a night out together. It had been a while and we really appreciated my mom staying with Ashlyn! Thanks Mom!

Jered has had to work most of this weekend,which really ruined most of our yard plans. We have a lot of work to be done in the yard. Flower bed to be prepped, weeds to be pulled, the lawn needs moved etc. Its never ending! Ashlyn is napping now but as soon she as gets up we're going to the park!

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