Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, April 1, 2013

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh my!

Does anyone else feel like the first three months of this year have flown by? I can't believe Easter is upon us and it will be April in a few days! We are already making so many summer plans. We have four weddings to go to this summer, starting in May. Every year, we think we're done going to weddings, all of our friends must be married by now. Then we get another invite or save the date in the mail!

I have been working way too much! Work has been crazy busy and we're really short-handed so I'm working my day off. My paycheck has been pretty nice but I'd prefer to have my day off. Ashlyn calls it our stay-home day. I have a couple more weeks of working my day off and then I'll be back to my typical four days a week. Jered thinks I'm a whiner because he works over-time every week but I like my day home with Ashlyn!

A couple of weeks ago we took Ashlyn to a play of "Beauty and the Beast". It was put on by Journey Theater group and it was mostly high-school kids or younger. They did a fantastic job! I got the tickets really cheap with a Groupon. She loved it!

Last weekend we took her to an Easter egg hunt put on by one of the wineries we're members of. She got to run around and collect a bunch of plastic eggs. They were all filled with candy or money so she was ecstatic! My friend was selling a cute little Easter surprise so we picked those up for all of our nieces! I'll post a pic after, they're really cute.

We also went to the zoo with some of my cousins. It was a little chilly but there was no rain so it was a perfect day. The zoo has a new a baby elephant and she is so cute! Her name is Lily and she is so tiny next to the other elephants. They also have a new baby river otter, he was out yet but there was one tiny little window where you could peak in at him and he's just a little fur ball. The other new thing at the zoo is the flamingos. They've got a whole flock and they're really pretty bright pink!

Ashlyn is growing up so fast! She will sometimes call us Mom instead of Mommy or Dad instead of Daddy. It sounds so weird to hear her say Mom! She's really interested in how words are spelled and adding numbers together. The first time she told me "Mom, three and four make seven" I was floored! Its so awesome to see her brain working. She also loves music, Pop music! She knows the words to more songs than Jered and I do. She also knows the name of the singer or band. She'll say "Mommy this is Katy Perry, we've heard this song before". She loves Taylor Swift (ugh!), she sings along to all the words of "I knew you were trouble".Lord, Help me!

Easter morning was spent with Grandma and Grandpa in Woodburn. We were up and out of the house early, church started at 8am. Then back the house for an egg hunt and delicious brunch. I, of course, forgot my camera so I have no pictures of the fun. BUT I know my awesome sis-in-law is going to send me hers :) As soon as she does, I'll post a few.

 Easter egg hunt
 I got lots and lots of candy! LOTS
 I'm ready to get coloring!
 Pretty egg Mommy made with rubber bands. Didn't 
turn out exactly like the picture on Pinterest, but pretty good.
 I"m a lion....ROAR!!
 Me and Paisley Marie

I"m a bear...ARRRRG!
Grammy and Grandpa sent me these new boots!
They're pretty cool, they even light up.

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