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Monday, July 8, 2013

4th of July, Family and Fun

We had such a great week camping in Florence at Honeyman! We got over there on Wed afternoon and Ashlyn hit the ground running. She really pushed her boundaries this year. There were many trips to the park with her cousins, she ate lots of marshmallows, we walked in the parade, we stayed up late, it was pretty awesome! One of my cousins counted 161 family members. Yep, 161! Crazy, I know. All of my mom's brothers and sisters were there and almost all of my cousins. We went to the lake a couple of times, I even swam out to the dock. Jered tells me its a yearly tradition to do it at least once. We celebrated two anniversaries at the coast. My Aunt Gwenda and Uncle Louie: 57 years! and my Auntie Andi and Uncle Rick: 35 years!!

So I was a total loser and forgot my camera this camping trip. Most of these pics were taken with my cell phone or I stole them off Facebook so I don't have as many as I'd like:

 I found this one on Jered's phone. 
Him and one of his co-workers at one of his job sites
This is just a small portion of Grandma and Grandpa Lenhardt's yard.
I'm constantly talking about it and now you can see it. Next time
I'll take a picture of the garden. This is where we get all the yummy 
vegetables and fruits, baked goods etc and all of our flower baskets.
 Ashlyn's first concert: Old Crow Medicine Show at the Zoo.
It was HOT but we had a great time!
 Packed and ready for camping! We didn't forget anything!!
 Ashlyn and Paisley after the parade
I couldn't get both of them to look at the same time!
 Playing at the lake with Paisley.
 That's Krissy and baby Ivan in the background. 
The Ballard's
back row: Uncle Bob, Aunt Jean, Aunt Judy, Uncle Gary
front row: my mom, Uncle Rick, Uncle David, Aunt Gwenda and Uncle Jerry

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