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Saturday, January 4, 2014

Two long busy months.....

I do realize its been two months since I've posted. YIKES!! A LOT has happened in the last two months. I'm working on finishing up my Ireland posts but here's a short post on what's been up with us.

We signed on our new house a couple weeks after we got back from Ireland (oh Ireland, I miss you!). Then Jered left for hunting on Halloween. Ashlyn got super sick Halloween night and we had to miss trick-or-treating, I was more upset than she was! She was going to be a super cute unicorn darn it!!

With a lot of help from some very good friends (you know who you are!) we moved into our Corbett house on November 17th, 2013. We have been loving our new house! We look around and we realize its a lot of work. We know there will be some tough winters. BUT, we just love it! It just feels right, it really really does.

Thanksgiving was spent in Woodburn with Grandpa and Grandma G. We had a delicious smoked turkey. I'm not really a turkey fan but every year Grandpa smokes us a turkey and its always fantastic!Grammy drove up from Monroe to spend it with us too. Grandpa was in Arizona visiting his daughter Amber. She's due pretty soon with a new granddaughter!

Grandma and Papa Mac arrived about a week before Christmas. Papa Mac told us to make him a list of home projects and boy did we ever. There's at least 30 things on the list!  Some big, some small. There will definitely be some before and after photos coming soon.

Then we had our hectic as usual Christmas. We had 7 Christmas's, yes you read that right, I said SEVEN. A couple weekends before Christmas we had our friends and their kids up to Corbett and we let the kids exchange names. The Sunday before Christmas was spent with the Kacalek clan at Aunt Lavonne's new house. Christmas Eve at Grandpa and Grandma G's in Woodburn. Christmas morning at our house in Corbett, afternoon at my Aunt Jean's in Monroe, evening at my Dad's also in Monroe. We're not done yet, one more to go. The weekend after Christmas we were back in Monroe for Christmas with my immediate family. Phew, all done!

After Christmas Patsy and Steve came up to stay with us and Steve got to work on our list. He's changed light fixtures, fixed the grout on the tile, ripped out the nasty carpet in the media room, put in hardwood flooring on the stairs to the basement (it looks beautiful!), demo'd the upstairs bath (goodbye 1970's). That's not all, there's more I'm sure. We've been keeping Home Depot and Lowes in business the last few weeks and we're not done yet! The next big purchases are carpet for the media room and new vanity, tub/shower etc for the upstairs bath.

To start the new year off right: we SOLD our old house!!! Yay!! Only on the market 12 days. :) Our neighbor was our realtor and he was awesome. We sign on the 7th and the official closing will be the 10th. A huge relief, I feel like a huge weight was lifted of our shoulders. Now we can really settle in and get down to business setting up our new house.

A few pics from the holidays:

 I got ahold of Auntie Kari's camera
Family portrait Thanksgiving Day
Daddy trying to skate on the frozen pond.
This was about 5 minutes before he fell and
broke the ice with his head. He had a concussion
for sure. Mommy says when Daddy and his friends
are together, its like they're 12 years old again!
 Putting the star on top of the tree
 Pretty girl in her fancy Christmas dress
 Santa left me a LeapFrog LeapPad Ultra.
My very own tablet!!
 I'm pretty excited.
 Getting ready to open presents at Grammy and Grandpa's
 New hat from cousin Charity
Cousins: Bailey, Jeremiah, Macy, Tobin, Me, Maliah

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