Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, April 14, 2014

April showers bring May flowers....right?

This sun has been so awesome! I've heard rain is on the way but I'm going to enjoy the next couple of days of sunshine! We're already loving all the daffodils and cherry blossoms. I've been a little disappointed in the lack of spring flowers at our house. But this just means I'll be planting lots of bulbs in the fall. We want to give the yard at least one year to show us what its made of. So far: lots of trees, maple trees already blooming (ugh, leafs and raking) and not many flowering plants. Although there is a little rose garden on the side of the house. They looked a little rough so I trimmed them back quite a bit when we first moved in and now they are starting to bud. I'm hoping they all do well this summer. I've got lots of landscaping ideas saved on Pinterest and lots of ideas of where I want to plant things. It has to be a work in progress, we do not have the time or money to landscape the whole place in one summer! I have plans for a couple of raised garden beds, I want a vegetable garden this year! I'm also hoping we'll get the chicken coop and composting system up this summer. I have lots and lots of plans (if only I had lots and lots of time and $$)!!

We spent a lot of time working at the house last month but we also managed to do some fun stuff. We went to a Winterhawks game, we checked out opening night of the new arena football team: the Portland Thunder, we did the Shamrock Run for Eli's birthday. We spent a weekend in Washington for cousin Grace's birthday. Hockey is always a good time and if time and money allowed we'd probably go to a lot more games. Ashlyn loves it because she usually gets a popcorn, cotton candy or red rope. This time she shared a cotton candy with my friends' son Drayton. The Portland Thunder game was interesting. It was a lot of fun and I'd go again but NFL its not. Ashlyn, McKenzie and Brady did the Leprechaun Lap at the Shamrock run. Steph and I chased after the three of them. It was a lof of fun and though the kids had to do a lot of waiting around they had a great time and they got a free t-shirt. Definitely something I'd do again if she wants to.

Last week we took Ashlyn for "Kindergarten Round-up" at the grade school. How did this happen? If I could stop time, I would! Our big girl is excited for school but is still thinking her friends from WeeCare will be going to the same school with her. I'm hoping she will adjust easily and the round-up gave her a chance to meet some new kids. Corbett has a 4-day school week. The class hours per day is a bit longer, but they don't go on Fridays. If there is a Monday holiday, then they go on Friday. Ashlyn should have no problem because she's used to being in daycare. I'm going to have to change my hours when she starts school though. I have LOVED working 4-10's and having that one week day off. Ashlyn and I get some one on one time and I'm able to do so many things that would have to be done on the weekends otherwise. BUT going back to 5-8's will work better with Ashlyn's school schedule.

We celebrated Jered's birthday this last weekend. We had such a good time! We had reservations at Grand Lodge in Forest Grove Saturday night and we managed to get 12 new stamps on our passports.We drank some wine, we ate some good food, we soaked in the soaking pool. It was just nice to have a weekend to ourselves. Thanks to Grandpa and Grandma G for keeping Ashlyn over night. She had a blast! They made rice krispy treats with frosting and sprinkles and a birthday cake for Jered.

We checked out Grandpa's green house when we were there yesterday afternoon and OMG! It is overflowing! There's tomatoes and onions and peppers and flowers and baskets oh my! Grandpa is going to give us some tomato and pepper plants to plant in my garden. I'm so excited! Hopefully Jered and I can get the garden spot cleared out this weekend.

A few pics from our lunch date to Hood River a few weekends ago:
 I love this sweet face <3 p="">
 looking too cool for school in Daddy's sunglasses
We found this cheese at Costco, she was pretty excited! :)

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