Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, September 26, 2014


DISCLAIMER! I thought I posted this last week but it was stuck in my drafts file. OOPS!!

We've got ourselves a real kindergartner these days! Today is the end of week 3 and I think she's getting her rhythm. She rides the bus to and from the sitter's house every morning and afternoon. She loves it at the sitter's house and has made a couple of friends there. She's never ready to go when I get there to pick her up so I think that's a good sign. She talks a lot about a girl named Ava from school. I think her and Ava both like to talk because at the beginning of school her and Ava were seated at the same table. But now they're at separate tables. :) She seems to like her teacher, Mr Lewis and gets very excited when Mr Lewis gives her a star. He writes their names on the board and then when they get 10 stars they get to pick a prize. Most nights she is super tired and ready for bed before her bed time. There have been lots of nights she tells us she's "too tired for story". I know she's tired when she tells us that because usually she's begging us for another story and another story!

 Somebody lost her first tooth, actually two teeth. 
One of them fell out and we didn't find it. 
The other one Jered pulled out before she knew what was happening. 
She didn't even cry and it only bled a little bit. 
She was SO excited!
She left a note for the tooth fairy explaining 
the missing tooth just in case. The tooth 
fairy was pretty generous, $5 for each tooth.
Next time the tooth fairy won't be quite as
generous! ;)
Doing chores
We celebrated the last day of WeeCare with
our favorite ice cream. Have you tried
Salt & Straw? If not, you should! Its
 First day of school
In the classroom
Second day with her puppy purse she 
bought with her tooth fairy money.
Third day, tired of the pics already
Playing at the new sitters house. Squirt guns on the
airplane teeter-totter.
Fourth day and the last day of the 
first week. 

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