Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Getting started!

My first blog!

Ashlyn is 9 weeks old! I can't believe how fast she's grown up. We took her to the doctor on Thursday and she weighed 11 lbs 9 oz. She was 7-13 when she was born so she's definently growing! She had to have a shot which really sucked. We're not using the usual schedule for vaccines so unfortunately she'll be getting a shot monthly instead of every two months. Both Jered and I feel more comfortable spreading the shots out instead of getting so many vaccines in one day.

We're hoping she's going to start sleeping longer periods at night. So far we're getting 4-5 hour stretches. We try to put her down by 10pm and she's up to eat again around 3am then again around 6am. We go back to sleep and she usually lets us sleep till at least 10am sometimes even 11am. Sleep is a big one for new parents, I never understood that before! We've recently switched her to soy formula which has been a huge help.

Jered and I are going on our first overnight next weekend. Its for his 30th birthday otherwise I wouldn't do it. And we're only going to be about 30 minutes away. My mom is coming up to stay with Ashlyn and the dogs. I am looking forward to it though. We're going to Grand Lodge with some friends and I'm seriously looking forward to the soaking pool and a few glasses of wine!


  1. She's beautiful, Kerri! I completely understand about the lack of sleep. My boys woke up every 2-3 hours for the first couple of months and then finally switched to 4-5 hour stretches at night. I felt like a zombie most of the time! Hang in there - it does get better. I hope you and Jared have a wonderful time next weekend!


  2. Hooray.. love the blog.. I can't believe it's been two months already.. I'll make it over there soon to visit again.. :) K
