Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Weddings, friends and new babies!

We had such a great, but short trip to LA for Labor Day. We stayed with our friend's Noelle and Mark. They carted us back and forth to the airport, thank you so much! We ate lunch at one of our favorite restaurants, Versailles, best Cuban food EVER!!!. We went to our other friends wedding, which was absolutely beautiful! In the glass church in Palos Verdes, Wayferers Chapel. I am so happy for my friend Angela. She found and married a great guy and he's totally lucky to have her. We had to come home way too early though. We weren't able to see anyone except those we saw at the wedding but it was great to see them. I hadn't seen my friend Daniele in forever and she's still the same. We were all sitting at the same table and it felt like the old days! Daniele made a comment that we could have been in the cafeteria at Cedars 5 years ago and she was so right. It was like those 5 years just fell away and we were all together again.

I am so happy tomorrow is Friday! I've only had to work 3 days this week and it feels like forever. We're taking Ashlyn to her third swim class Sat morning then heading down to Woodburn to help get the place all spiffy for Kari and John's wedding. Sunday I'm going down to Mom's and Jered will stay and do more spiffy work. It's been too long since my nieces have seen their cousin. Plus my brother has a big day on Monday and I wanted to be there for moral support. My cousin Katie is going to babysit for Ashlyn on Monday so I can be with Keith.

Next week we're taking Ashlyn for a flu shot. Jered is so worried I'm going to bring the home the plague or the swine flu. Wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands! #1 way to prevent flu this season is hand washing. I Purell all day at work, I carry it in my purse, I use it at home. I hope I don't get the flu, I don't have any PTO. We were told if we have any flu-like symptoms to assume its the swine flu and stay home until symptom-free for 7 days. Are they crazy??? Yeah I think so. I can't afford that! If you have any flu symptoms, please don't go to the doctor or the ER. Assume its the swine flu and call your doctor instead. Most likely they will tell you to drink lots of fluids and get lots of rest. Also, get your flu shots!!! and when the swine flu vaccine is available, get that one too! The ER is just going to be a breeding ground for all sorts of viruses this winter, avoid it if at all possible.

We seriously saw Santa Claus driving on the 405 freeway in LA on Sunday! It took me three tries to get this good of a picture. I figure you don't go out looking like this if you don't want people like me taking your picture!

This is my BFF Olivia, she was trying to sit on my lap :)

Livi gave me lots of hugs this weekend.

I think this was supposed to be a hug but really she had me in a headlock! I'm a little worried, can ya tell??

This is Mama's friend Angela. Doesn't she look pretty? And me too? I got to wear a really fancy dress.

This is my Bulgarian mother. I call her Mama. She told me I had better hurry up and have another baby because I am old and if I don't get it on my ovaries may dry up. Thanks Mama, I can always count on you for the honest truth! Love, Love her!

These are some of my previous co-workers from my time at Cedars, except the girl in the black dress. She works there now and is funnily enough a cousin of one my co-workers now :) So from L-R is Hailey (I think), Mama Lana, Angela (the beautiful bride), me, Jaime and Daniele.

Our good friends new baby. This is Hailey June, born on 9-8-09. Proud mommy and daddy are Will and Rosie Irwin.

This is Addyson Dawn, born 9-9-09 (pretty cool birthday huh?). This is my co-worker Denise and her fiance Chad's new baby daughter.

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