Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

New things!

Today was my day off, I love having Wednesdays off. It splits my week and makes it seem like I'm hardly at work. We were up and at 'em this morning. Ashlyn was not about to sleep in. Which was a good thing because about 730am I remembered I was supposed to drop the dogs off at the vets for their shots. Since we were already out and about we headed over to Target after a quick stop at Dutch Bros. Morning coffee is my vice, I need it! I had my cart full at Target before I even headed down the aisle I went there for in the first place. I got Ashlyn a couple of new toys. A drum set that plays music when she bangs on it and a teapot that sings when she pushes the shapes through the hole. There are tons of toys at Wee Care. They rotate them out weekly so the kids don't sick of them. I was afraid Ashlyn might be getting bored with the toys we have so decided an update was in order. I know I posted on Fb about how much I hate shopping, but I love Target. My most favorite store!

Last night we broke out the highchair and she loves it. We probably could have brought it out a month or more ago but we had been using a little positioner chair. I think she likes being higher up in the highchair, she was definently all smiles. I can't give her cheerios like most kids so its been hard finding her things to feed herself with that don't have wheat. I have managed to find a few things but she's not too hip on them quite yet. Hopefully she'll like them more the more she tries them. Anyway a couple of pics from last night and this morning.....

Eating my cheese puffs. They're ok I guess. Mama keeps trying to get me to like yogurt melts too but I think they're kinda gross! I love my highchair though! My Aunt Jenny and Aunt Karen got it for me, isn't it cute??

This drum plays music when I bang on it. Its so cool! I also got some car keys that sing different songs too. My favorite is "Old McDonald"

1 comment:

  1. She is getting so cute! You might want to try Mum-Mum's, they're rice crackers that Ashley loved! I usually found them at Safeway, but they're popular so when you find them stock up. They also have rice cereal that's bigger than rice crispy's that I also found at Safeway, I think it's a generic brand, but she loved those too.
