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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Weddings, Weddings, Weddings.

Jered ran in the Hood to Coast relay race this weekend. He is pretty tired today and told me yesterday this will be the last time he does this. This was his third time so we'll see when it comes up again next year.

Since Jered was busy all weekend Ashlyn and I were home alone on Friday night. I hate being at home by myself. I'm a little bit of a scaredy cat. I put a stick in the sliding doors so that no one can open them and I make sure to lock our bedroom door. The smart people we bought the house from put a dead bolt lock on the door (they had kids) and I use it every time Jered's not home. So Ashlyn had to sleep in our room and she didn't sleep too well, but that's ok cause at least the boogey man didn't get us! :)

Yesterday I went to my friend Kelly's wedding. She's a friend from work and there were a bunch of us that went. It was a really good time and a really pretty place for a wedding. It was threatening rain all day but held off for the ceremony and only sprinkled on us a few minutes during the reception. Its always so funny to see everyone in regular clothes, we all look so different. I'm just used to seeing everyone in their scrubs. :) My friend Crystal's daughter Kayla came to the house to watch Ashlyn for me. It was really nice not having to bring her. Since Jered was off running to the coast I would have been all by myself. She's not that difficult, its just all the stuff that you have to bring with ya. Plus I wanted to be able to drink some champagne, which I did and enjoyed immensely!

Next up for us is another wedding! We leave this weekend to go to my very good friend Angela's wedding in LA. She's my friend from Cedars and I love her to death. She was our student at Cedars and we became really great friends. We used to go to a lot of happy hours :) and pretty much hung out every weekend going to the beach or shopping or whatever. She's getting married at the glass church in Palos Verdes. I'm really looking forward to seeing this church. I'd heard about it when I lived down there, but never went. I've heard its pretty amazing. We're staying with my other friend Noelle (we went to her wedding in May in Vegas) in Santa Clarita. I wish we were going for longer than just a few days because we won't have enough time to do much except go to the wedding. My other friend Daniele has offered to take pictures of Ashlyn (she's a photographer) but I don't think we'll have time. Bummer!

Today we are just staying home and going to veg in front of the TV. There are tons of things that we should do, but oh well! I'm sure we'll get it all done someday. :)

All my work peeps.

Yay! Kelly & Zac!

Maile eating her cake with two forks. This is my coordinator's daughter. Isn't she the cutest??

Kyle holding Anehla (Maile's sister). She wasn't too happy about it!

All of my work peeps. from left to right is Ally, Denise, Crystal, Kelly, me, Jenna, Val, Darryn and Tracie

Ashlyn playing this morning. Isn't she a big girl sitting up all by herself???

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