Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Picnics and more picnics....

Well we have been busy! We went down to Monroe three weekends in a row. Three weeks ago to pick up our dogs from my dad. Two weekends ago to see my cousin Betsy. She lives in Florida and has for a while. She was visiting and my Aunt Jean had a bbq for her. It was so great to see her. She is still the same Betsy! I wish she would move back here, hopefully someday. She just graduated nursing school and is studying up for her boards so that she can be registered. I know its a difficult test because I have a few friends that have taken it. Good Luck Bets!

Last weekend we went down for another bbq. This time for my cousin Cindy and all her girls. They are here visiting from Wisconsin. We all wish they would move back too, but I know its hard to move and start your life over again. Jered and I did it a few years ago but we didn't kids then. Now that we have Ashlyn and the economy the way it is, I'd hate to have to start over again. Cindy's oldest, my cousin Anderea has a little girl, Arianna. Ari is just about 3 weeks older than Ashlyn and she is so cute!

Jered and I have just been working and working. Such is the life I guess. Ashlyn turned 7 months on Aug 22. She is sitting up now and is getting very bossy. She knows exactly whats she wants. She loves to yell and talk and to listen to her own voice. She's rolling over and will scoot around on her belly if she wants something that is close to her. She gets up on all fours but doesn't quite know what to do with her arms so she just throws them both out in front of her and rocks on her belly. She'll get it one of these days. We had to go in today for another shot. She only cried a little bit but she has been so cranky all afternoon. She finally went down for a nap, so I have a little peace and quite. She'll usually lay on the floor and play and talk to herself for a while so that I can get a few things done around the house. But not today, today she wanted all of my attention all of the time!

I was tired and ready to go home but no one would listen to me. This usually works!

Here I am with my new cousins. Alice, me, Ari, Kiley and Brandon

We went to Applebee's on Mama and Daddy's anniversary. 4 years!

Cousin Staci holding me and cousin Alice

Cousin Morgan ate a lot of chocolate cupcakes this day.

Me and Mama in my first swim class. It was a lot of fun. Next time I'm going to splash around more.
Smiling at Daddy!

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