Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sh** Happens....

This morning started off just like any other morning. We woke up, showered, dressed, packed my lunch. Jered got up to help with Ashlyn after she finished her morning bottle. He changed her diaper and got her dressed for "school". I put her in her carseat and we took off for work. I always park first, get her out of her carseat and we take the elevator down to the daycare. Ashlyn loves riding in the elevator. The beeps and the lights get her all excited. This morning when I took her out of her seat I had a little surprise.....she had SHIT everywhere! Ugh!!! it was coming out of her diaper, dripping down her leg. It was on me before I realized what was going on. Gross! She's teething right now and has had a few mishaps already this week. I've had to wash her carseat liner 4 times now! Its in the washer right now. I had her clutched to my chest with one arm, her legs dangling so that I could carry my purse, lunch bag and the huge pack of diapers that I had to bring in today. I literally threw her at Robyn, her Wee Care teacher, and thank goodness for Robyn because she cleaned her all up for me so that I could run to work. My first stop was the locker room to change my scrub top which had shit all over it. I barely clock in on time, changed my top and ran over to the plaza building in time to check on my student. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful, I couldn't have handled much more :)

We took Ashlyn for her first swim class last Sat. She had fun, she loves watching what the other kids are doing. She didn't totally relax, she was too busy watching. She did splash around a little bit and she loved it when I threw her up in the air and let her splash back down into the water. We'll be going again, not this Sat but next for sure. We paid for 8 classes so far. I hope she'll be a little fish before too long.

We had dinner last night with Jered's grandparents. It was great to see them, it had been a while. Jered's sister was also there. She's helping get the property ready for her wedding in Oct. This weekend we are heading to Monroe again for another bbq for another cousin. This time for my cousin Cindy and her girls from Wisconsin. Last weekend it was for my cousin Betsy from Florida. Jered always says I know more of first, second and third cousins than he does his first. :)

I'll have pictures soon, I haven't had a chance to download them from the weekend yet. Till then....

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