Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Easter weekend....

Well it was a long drive but luckily Ashlyn slept most of the way to Kari and John's last weekend. Meltdown started about 30 miles out. It took us about 4 hours because we made a couple of stops along the way.  We finally got to meet beautiful baby Grace! She is so gorgeous! Ashlyn really didn't seem to mind the new baby. She did like to peek at her in cradle when she was sleeping. One time, Patsy and I were in the back bedroom and we thought we better go out and check on Ashlyn since she was in the living room and Grace was in the cradle. I found Ashlyn walking around with a little tiny sock in her hand. I knew it wasn't hers since it was so little. I went over to look at Grace and she was still sleeping soundly but her little naked foot was poking out of the blanket. Ashlyn had unwrapped her feet and pulled off one of her socks. Grace slept through the whole thing!! :o) Ashlyn loves to pull of her own socks, guess she thought it would be fun to pull of Grace's too.

We had Easter dinner on Saturday night and a great brunch Sunday morning before it was time for us to go home. It was sad saying goodbye to everyone especially Patsy since we know it'll be a while before we see her again. Jered set up a webcam on her computer though so that we can Skype and her and Steve will get to see Ashlyn. We've only tried it once so far and there were some technical difficulties but I think Jered got them all figured out so that we can use it now.

The smartest cutest kid in the world is still working on her sign language, we're now trying to teach her poop so she can tell us when her diaper needs changed (not that we can't smell it anyway). She's using her other words more and more too. She's trying to go faster and faster when she's walking which just means that she's falling more. She fell the other day at day care and scraped her nose on the carpet. So she's gotta a little scab right on the end. She seems to cry more now than ever but I think its because she's frustated more than ever. She's trying to be more and more independent and gets real pissed when something doesn't work out like she wants it to. We're loving the nicer weather these last few days and wish it could last longer than it probably will. Hoping to take Ashlyn for another bike ride later today too. She loves it, except for the helmet!

This is my new cousin Grace, isn't she so cute???
Here she is making faces...
and staring off into space.....
Mama was trying to get a picture of both of us but I wasn't being very cooperative
My Easter pictures
Close up shot
Something was real funny
I'm lookin for something

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