Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Tall and Lean

Our kid is "Tall and Lean" according to the doctor we saw yesterday. She weighed 23.4lbs and she's 31.1 inches tall. Right in the middle for weight and at the top of the chart for height! So even though she inherited the Ballard short legs she's making up for it somehow! Jered always teases me about how short she is and how its all my fault because its obviously not his. After he heard the doctor call her tall and lean, he knew he'd never hear the end of it.

We've had a tiring couple of weeks. Ashlyn is teething and not sleeping well which means Jered and I aren't sleeping well. She's been crabby on and off for the last couple of weeks too. She threw the biggest fit the other day when we were on our walk at work. I wanted her to keep her hat on and she didn't want to. She screamed like a banshee for a good 30 minutes. I couldn't believe it! She was unrecognizable, that was not my kid! That kid scared the hell out of me! I took her back to the daycare and she finally calmed down. I gave her her soothie, she climbed up on my lap and fell asleep. She's thrown a couple of little fits lately too. I'm afraid our sweet little baby girl has some surprises in store for her parents! I'm also afraid she's going to have temper and I've already witnessed a strong stubborn streak. We might be in trouble! I'm hoping this was all because she hasn't been sleeping well. Crossing my fingers too!

She visited the Bunny room in daycare on Wednesday. Its one of two classes she could move into (probably in Sept). The Bunny and Ducklings have more of a scheduled day. All of the kids eat at the same time, nap at the same time, play at the same time and do all their activities together. It will be the end of the line for me visiting her at lunch. They eat lunch between 11am and noon and then its nap time after that. She didn't walk with us on Wednesday and I missed her but the Bunny teachers told me all about how great of a day she had visiting with them. When I went to pick her up she wasn't even ready to leave, she was having snack time. She was excited to see me, she just wanted me to have snacks too instead of going home.

We're still trying to expand her sign language and she's doing really really well. We've found a couple of cool websites that have video demonstrations. Her new word this week is ball. She thinks its pretty fun to toss the ball for dogs. We've also been teaching her where her eyes, ears, nose, etc are. She knows belly, ears and nose so far. Jered taught her high-five too. Its super cute, of course! One of her favorite new books is a book that her cousins brought her last week. Its called "Five Little Ladybugs" and I'm positive we've read it to her at least 100 times in the last week!

Here's some pictures from one of our walks the other day and a good one of our tall and lean girl waiting for her bath :)

Tall and Lean peeps!! 

This is one of my favorite things to do in the kitchen....throw ALL of the lids on the floor!
The best part is watching Mama pick them all up so that I can just do it again!
Mama and Daddy take me for walks and I like to look at the pretty flowers.
Mama picked this one for me
 I like to run now, but sometimes I get going so fast that I can't slow down. Its lots of fun though even if I fall.

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