Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 29, 2010

I know its been a while since my last update. I'm still working one double a week, and I'm getting pretty tired of it. There is light at the end of the overtime tunnel though! I'm working a 12 hour shift Memorial day, then my usual 16 hour shift on Tues, then I'm working a grave yard shift on June 7 and that's all. There isn't any more overtime in my near future!

Actually I've got some days off for camping coming up. We have three camping trips already planned. Our annual 4th of July camping with the Ballards in Florence of course. We're planning five nights and we're both really looking forward to it. Its always a good time! It'll be a whole new world for Ashlyn. I'm a little nervous about the camp fire and I know Grammy will be a nervous wreck the whole week we're there. But with all the people that will be around I'm sure Ashlyn will be fine. I'm hoping to take our bikes, still trying to figure out how we'll get them down there.I'm keeping my fingers crossed for nice weather so we can take Ashlyn to the lake and hopefully do at least one day at the beach. I can remember like maybe two or three sunny, non-windy days at the Oregon coast in my life time. I'm anticipating lots of sandy diapers!

Our first camping of the season begins next weekend. We're cheating a little bit though; we're borrowing the camp trailer from Mom and Eddie. We're going up to Timothy Lake near Mt Hood and they've been getting a lot of snow lately. Then the weekend of June 19th we're going camping with Jered's aunt, uncle and cousins. This will be our third year camping with them and its always a lot of fun. Usually we go up around Breitenbush River but this year we're thinking about Odell Lake. I don't think any decisions have been made yet. I've also got a few days off  towards the end of July that we're hoping to go camping again too.I'm off Mondays in July and I traded with a girl at work that has Fridays off in July. This way we both get a four day weekend. Pretty genius, I know! Ashlyn should be a camping pro by the end of the summer.

Jered got laid off a couple of weeks ago. He's had one interview and applied for a couple of jobs. We're keeping our fingers crossed that something good will come up. He officially has his own survey business with his friend Justin. If you know anyone that needs a survey done, send them to Shamrock Surveying LLC.  :o)  I have to be honest and say that its been great having Jered home for the last couple of weeks. He did a TON of work in the yard last week. We had a bbq for my student at work last weekend and the yard looked amazing. If we ever get some nice weather, he'll be able to stain the deck and then it'll look like a brand new house. Last night I came home to a clean house! He took Ashlyn down to Woodburn on Thurs to see her great grandparents and he was able to help his Grandpa with their deck. If it weren't for the that whole lack of paycheck thing, I'd love to have a house husband on a more permanent basis! In two weeks he was able to do work around the house that would've taken us numerous weekends to get done.

For now we're keeping Ashlyn in her daycare. Its good for her and she enjoys it. She's excited in the mornings when I drop her off, which makes it so much easier for me. Usually on Mondays when she's been off for two days she hardly cares that I'm leaving, its hard to get a goodbye hug. She loves playing with her friends there and she loves her teachers. We had a parent teacher conference the other day and she's doing awesome of course. Smartest kid they've ever seen! Genius levels of course!! She'll be moving up to the next class soon. I heard on Friday that it'll probably be around July 19th. Not sure yet if she'll be a Bunny or a Duckling. I'm hoping for Duckling, Go Ducks!! Plus her teachers from when she was a Ladybug are now the Duckling teachers. She visited the Duckling class on Friday and when I went to pick her up she was not ready to go home. She wanted to show me all the new stuff she was getting to play with. I'm sure she'll be fine when its time to transition. It'll be hard on Mom though, I won't see her at lunch anymore once she moves up. My lunch falls right at her nap time in the new class. We all have to grow up though, even Mom.

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