Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Hey can I see that camera??

Mama and Daddy took me out to breakfast, I'm just waiting for my eggs!

Daddy needed my help fixing the squeak on the rocker.

He let me play with his wrenches.

I love my sister Sinder, she gives me lots of kisses and doesn't care when I crawl all over her.

Daddy brought this chair down from the attic the other day and its my new favorite spot! Mama and Daddy bought this chair for my cousin Bailey a long time ago when they still lived in California. They got it at costco and when they got home they realized there were two chairs in the box so they've been carrying it around for 6 or 7 years, just for me!!

I painted this butterfly they other day at school. Isn't it pretty??

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