Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, December 31, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

 Our attempt at a family self portrait on Christmas Eve
 Grammy and Grandpa joined us at Grandma and Papa G's for Christmas Eve dinner and church

 Reading the Christmas story
 Daddy reading the Christmas story
 Uncle John, baby Grace and Auntie Kari
 Mommy and Grammy's self portrait, Grammy closes her eyes of course!
 Grace singing Christmas carols
 My very own tea set from Grandma and Papa G!
 My favorite new book! Grandma Mac reading me "Twas the Night before Christmas"
 Its the coolest book ever
 Grace opening her presents
 Opening my present from Grandpa Terry and Grandma Tracey
 Eating the candy cane out of my stocking...if you look real close you can see the drool on my chin!
 Some of my art projects from school. I did this one with finger paints and I didn't really like having the paint on my hands. My teacher had to hurry to get me to do even this one.
 This is my Christmas tree, I got to glue on the ornaments
 This is my Christmas doll that hung in the hallway at school. Every time we walked by it I would tell Mommy, "I made that! I made that Mommy!!"
 Merry Christmas!
My ornament
 What did Santa leave for me????
 Is this for me????
 Santa left me a new bike!!!!
I ride it! I ride it!!!

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