Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

One more Christmas....

We had one more Christmas with Mom, Eddie, Keith and the girls on Sunday. Mom and Eddie brought the girls up on Sat and Ashlyn was so excited to see Macy and Bailey. I had been telling her they were all coming and she was so excited when they finally got here. Ashlyn loves Macy and Bailey, they are so good with her and they all play so well together. They all had a good time playing.

On Sunday we waited for my brother to get here with his girlfriend and her kids so we could all open presents. The girls were chomping at the bit all morning till he got here so we could start with presents. We opened gifts and our house was taken over by boxes and torn up wrapping paper! As I'm writing this I'm thinking to myself I should've taken one last picture of the tree with all the gifts. Once Grammy and Grandpa got here on Saturday our tree was exploding with presents. Santa was pretty nice to all of us!

But now the season is over and its time for the Christmas decorations to come down, which happened today. Our house has been de-Christmas'd. The tree is still standing but that's Jered's job.

We rang in the New Year apart this year. I was at work and Jered was at home with Ashlyn. I can't believe its already 2011! We've got lots to look forward this year. Jered is taking his California license in April, which means a free trip for us to San Fran. We're going to HAWAII in May!! 2 days in Oahu and 7 days Kauai!!! Yay for us!! I'm really looking forward to both of these trips. San Fran will be fun because it'll be a trip away for just Jered and I (hey Mom....will you babysit?). Hawaii is Hawaii :o) There's Honeyman in July and hopefully lots of camping in the summer and visiting with family all year long.

We have another busy weekend away from home in front of us. We have a memorial service to go to on Sat and since we'll be down in Monroe we plan to go to Kourtney's basketball game. We're hoping to have a weekend at home soon. The flooring for the two bathrooms came in and Jered's still working on the red car. Lots of home work to get done!!

Playing with my new puzzles from cousin Grace
Daddy got a new Beavers coat and hat! and Grandpa got shooting headphones
Playing with my new doll from Grammy and Grandpa
Mommy got a new Ducks shirt....GO DUCKS!!
and I got a new Ducks sweatshirt!!
Looking good!
Notice my hands in the pockets?.....I've got a new fascination with pockets

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