Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


We've been helping Mom and Eddie for the last couple of months get their new house ready to move in to. Well this last weekend was move-in day! Mom lived in the Farm House for 35 years. Yes, you read that correctly...thirty five years!! Eddie has been there for about 10 years. So the two of them have accumulated a lot of crap! Oh Em Gee!! We made a good dent in the stuff at their house and they are officially now living in the new house. Thank goodness my cousin Melody was around to help us out, I couldn't have done it without her. My cousin Susie watched all the girls for us, my cousins Kourtney and Ashley helped out too. It was definitely a family affair! It was overwhelming for all of us and quite emotional for Mom. I didn't have time to be emotional about it, I wanted to get as much work done as possible while we were there. I came home today and Jered had to come home yesterday so we only had a couple of days to get it all done. I haven't lived there for 14 years, so its not as emotional for me, but we did have some really great times in that house. I grew up there. My best friend, my cousin Traci and I have tons of memories there. My mom let us do whatever we wanted when we were growing up, even make deep fried ice cream! We made donuts, we baked All-Bran muffins (my favorites before the whole gluten free thing ruined it for me!), we cooked whatever we wanted too. We rode 3-wheelers all summer long then would rush home to do all the chores that Mom had written on her daily note to me. Those notes are too funny! They always started out "Good Morning!" and ended with what time she'd be home and "Love, Mom" Traci and I still laugh about those notes! We had the run of the farm growing up. We rode our bikes or our 3-wheelers all over the place! We'd scrounge up 35 cents so we could get a bottle of pop most days. I'm happy for Mom and Eddie though that they will have a nice new house, they deserve it!

So here's some pictures!
Valentine dinner at Applebee's
Wearing Mommy's Ugg boots
I like to crawl into things. This is Grandpa's TV stand, I fit pretty well!
Sleeping in the car

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