Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Its my party and I'll cry if I want to....

We had a busy week and weekend! Jered and I had a date on Friday night, we all went to the horse races on Sat, then had Ashlyn's party on Sun.

I had a flat tire when I came out of work on Tues. Flat as could be! I called Jered to come help with the spare. Thank goodness he's so handy! That same day I'd had to go get Ashlyn early from school...she had pink eye. Ugh!! One of the kids in the class next to hers had it, we got an email the day before and of course Ashlyn got it too. We started the eye drops that night because they have to have 24 hours of drops before you can go back to school. I was off Wed and planning to go see Jered's cousin's new baby. Unfortunately I couldn't take my kid and her pink eye to see the new baby so we went to Les Schwab for about an hour and a half instead to get our tire fixed. Joy! Ashlyn already had a doctor's appt scheduled for Wed and she confirmed our diagnoses of pink eye. Ashlyn is growing, growing, growing! She weighs 28.6 lbs and she's 35 inches tall. She also has a big head, in the 90th percentile still. She screamed the entire time we were at the doctor. We couldn't believe it! She gave dagger eyes to the doctor too. Only slightly embarrassing. We had to switch doctors because our regular doctor moved to a different clinic. She's so untrusting of people she doesn't know. And it takes her a while to warm up to new people. This was the first time she didn't have to have any shots and the first time she acted like a little banshee.

Friday night our friend Wiley came over to our house to stay with Ashlyn so that Jered and I could go out. She is so cool and we appreciate it so much! This is the second time she's babysat for us. We went to a nice little wine bar in Multnomah Village. We drank a lot of wine and ate only a little, super delicious food. I think its a place we'll definitely go back to. We had a lot of fun and didn't even talk about Ashlyn until the ride home.

Saturday we went to the horse races with Will and Justin and Ashlyn had so much fun! She loved all the horses. We were able to walk back where they get the horses ready so she could see them up close. When they'd line up for the race, she'd say "Where'd the horses go Mommy?" and we'd point them out to her as they ran around the track. She'd watch them all the way to the finish line. We were pretty close to the airport, so she saw a lot of airplanes too. "Look Daddy, there's airplane! Look Mommy, I see airplane!" Then there were tractors to grade the track. She had a super fun day!

Sunday was her birthday party at our house. I had baked the two cakes the night before and Jered got up at 4am to marinate the ribs, then again at 8am to put them on the smoker. I made the frosting and decorated the cakes that morning too. The cake turned out pretty great, if I do say so myself. The actual cake was a little dry but it looked darn cute! Ashlyn was a little crabby for her party. She had not had much nap time and she can be a bear when she doesn't get enough sleep. Plus she fell off her chair and hit her chin a couple of hours before the party started, bit her tongue and was bleeding. Oh boy, what a day! It takes her a while to warm up to people too, so having a bunch of people over was a little overwhelming for her. She liked opening her presents though (even though we requested no gifts, none of her grandparents followed the rules!)

Yesterday we visited Jered's cousin, his wife and new baby. I have lunch with Adrienne every few weeks and had been wanting to go over and meet little baby Louie! He is adorable of course, but Ashlyn wasn't too sure about her Mama holding a baby. When I was holding him, she kept asking, "Up please Mommy! Up Please!" She was just a little jealous :o)

 Grammy and Grandpa took us all out to dinner at Outback for painting their house. It was pretty yummy and I got a free ice cream because it was my birthday!
Mommy and I had to wait at Schwabie's for our tire to get fixed
 Mommy and Daddy took me to see the horse races this weekend. It was so much fun! I got to see lots of horses and they run really fast!
 This is the invite that Mommy for my birthday party. She said No gifts and everyone listened except all of my grandparents!
This is the outside of the invite....Mommy used her one crafty hair to do this! 
 This is the cake that Mommy made me. She said the sheet cake was a little dry but the bug was really good. She made red velvet for the bug. My favorite was the ice cream, I love ice cream!
The delicious ribs daddy made in the smoker/bbq. Everyone thought they were pretty yummy!!

1 comment:

  1. You know you can't ask Grandparents not to spoil the child.. you'll always be trumped.. hee hee.. Sorry we missed it, but hoping to still see you guys for Grace's next month. :)
