Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Terrible Two's???

There are days I'm not really sure where my adorable, squeezable, sweet, funny little baby girl went. It seems her little three foot body has been invaded by a bossy, opinionated, naughty, loud, too grown-up for her mama girl! Tonight at dinner she was telling me she doesn't like eggs as she's shoveling as many as possible into her mouth. "I don't like those eggs Mommy!" "I DON'T WANT BUTTER ON MY BREAD DADDY!!" "I can do it myself!" "I said, I can do it myself!" "Mommy what are you doing? Come here right now!"

Me: "Ashlyn please do not bang your feet on the chair at the dinner table." Looking me right in the eye as she continues to bang her legs on the chair she says, "I'm banging! I'm banging my legs!" "Don't hold my legs Daddy! Don't Daddy! Ahhhh!"

This morning in the car we're waiting at the tracks for the train to go by and we can hear it before we see it. Ashlyn: "What's that noise Mommy?" Me: "That's the WES train honey." Ashlyn in a very serious voice: "No its not. Its not the WES train Mommy." Jered: "Yes it is the train Ashlyn." Ashlyn: "No its not Daddy!"

Then when we least expect it we get "I love you Mommy!" "I love you Daddy!" Me: "I love you too baby!!" My sweet babygirl!

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