Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Busy Summer and some pictures:

Whew!! We have had one of the busiest summers ever! Every summer we seem to be busier and busier. We've done some camping, Ashlyn is a true camper! She loves it! Visited with a lot of family, we've been able to see almost everyone at least once the summer. We've spent some time with our friends, which has been great since it feels like we've always got something else going on. I'm not ready for the nice weather to go but I'm kinda looking forward to life slowing down when summer is over!

Two weeks from tomorrow Jered and I leave for HAWAII!!! Yes, again! Apparently we believe our bank account is bigger than it really is OR we believe you only live once and you better make it fabulous otherwise why bother? I'm gonig with the second option. This time we're going for some friends wedding, just Jered and I! Whoop Whoop!! Ashlyn will be staying with Grammy and Grandpa for SIX days and we are going to miss her like crazy but I'm really looking forward to having a vacation with just Jered and I. We have a two bedroom condo so another of our friends is taking the second bedroom and sharing in the cost of food and the car rental. I bought a new dress, Jered is planning to buy a suit (I'm looking forward to seeing him in the suit!!), we're taking our snorkel gear, we're going to eat sushi at this yummy little place we found last time, we'll stay up late, have too many drinks (lets be real here!) and we plan to have a blast!!

Until then here's a few pictures from my cell phone:
Trying on hats at Target....CHEESE!!!
Mommy painted my toenails for the very first time!!! Orange!
I'm pretty proud of my toes and I sat here waiting for them to dry for what felt like forever but Mommy said it was only a few minutes.
Paisley just chillin' and giving a wave to her favorite cousin....ME!
Looking like a SuperStar in Ashley's shades!
Hanging out with cousin Bailey in our cool new tie-dyed shirts from cousins Ashley and Kourtney

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