Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Past pics:

Here's some pics of our 4th of July camping trip, our weekend family coast trip and one of our zoo trips from this summer:
 I found a caterpillar
 look at my caterpillar!!
 Riding the scooter!!
 It was FUN!!
 me and cousin Lexie
 me and cousin Trip sitting in my wagon
 we wanted to play washers too
 coast trip with Mommy and Daddy
 playing in the water at the beach
 no pants is better!!
 uh oh....I fell over
 and I'm NOT happy about it!!
 that's better, but now I'm all wet
 taking a break on the long walk up the stairs
 The stairs I climbed twice! ALL by myself!!
 the dogs with their sad faces on b/c they want to go back to the beach!
 wine tasting with Daddy!
 making funny faces at Mommy
 at the zoo looking at the cows
 climbing on the tractor seats at the zoo
 look how big I am
sitting on the hippo

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