Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 2, 2013

First Friday...YAY!!

Today is my first Friday, meaning I have tomorrow off. Yay me! Those of us at work still working 4-10's lovingly refer to the day before our day off as our first Friday. Ashlyn lovingly refers to my day off as her "stay home day". Either way, we both really look forward to it!

What do we have planned: blog time, car wash, tire rotation, drop some stuff off at UPS to be shipped, pick up dog food at Costco, hopefully have time for a pedicure, laundry, etc etc. As you can see, we definitely stay busy on our "stay home day"!

What have we been doing since my last blog post. Not a whole lot and its been great! We visited with Papa and Grandma G the other weekend and Jered helped Grandpa get his boat ready to be sold. We also got the chance to visit with Grandma K. Then we spent the night at home only to realize the next morning that our hot water heater had sprung a leak. We've been pretty lucky not to have too many major home repairs happen. The water heater probably came with the house when it was built in the 70's so it was reasonable in its need to be replaced. Neither one of us was excited to spend $500 on a water heater. We'd much rather spend that money on an overnight date in Hood River, lots of wine tasting, wine buying and a yummy dinner. We were grown-ups though and we headed off to Lowes. It took Jered most of Sunday to get the old one out and the new one in. He only needed my assistance a few times :)

Last weekend Jered had an all day survey meeting at Spirit Mtn Casino so Ashlyn and I got to have more girl time. We were going to a bbq later in the day so we went shopping for fruit for the fruit tray were bringing. I found a great recipe on Pinterest for a fruit dip, OMG it was so good! Love Pinterest! We had a lot of fun at the bbq and Jered was able to meet us after his meeting which made it even better. Our friends have horses and Ashlyn had a blast feeding the horses and playing with a new puppy that was at the bbq too. 

Sunday was family day since Jered was gone most of Sat. We did a few errands, hung out at home and went out to dinner. It was really really nice except we waited a little too long to get Ashlyn her dinner. She gets awfully crabby when she's hungry. Kind of like her Mama says Daddy! :)

So now that we've have a few restful weekends, in a row no less, what's next? Would you believe another relaxing weekend? We don't really have too much on the schedule for this weekend. This weekend is supposed to be amazing so I'm sure we'll be doing some yard work. I'm real tempted to get some flowers planted in the ground but I'm holding out. According to Grandpa Lenhardt we're not supposed to plant anything until after Mother's Day. If you've ever seen his green house, garden, yard etc, you'd listen to him too. So it looks like more weeding and general yard clean up is in my future. 

What's up with Miss Ashlyn? Well she is very independent! She loves to wear dresses! Everyday, most of the time with her new light up boots from Grammy and Grandpa, even when they don't match her outfit. She loves to wear her hair down. This drives me crazy because its constantly in her face. She's at a point where she wants to do everything her way, in her own time. She thinks we should jump when she says jump. She definitely wants to be in charge of her own life, already, and she's only 4! She's so smart and constantly amazes us both. She loves playing with her friends at school. She told me the other day she wants to spend the night at Elsie's house (Mommy is definitely not ready for that).
She loves music, especially pop music. She loves to sing with the radio and she knows all the words! This morning the radio dj said a song was by Taylor Swift and Ashlyn was adamant the song was by Rihanna. Sure enough she was right and at the end of the song, the dj corrected himself. She's going to be really good at that game Jered loves to play, "who sings this?" A song came on the radio the other day, it was that Gotye song, "somebody I used to know". She says, "Mommy, I used to love this song when I was 3. But I'm 4 and its not my favorite now." She did used to say that was her favorite song, she loved that song last summer! Everytime it came on the radio she said it was her favorite. The music will start playing and she knows whose song it is even before they start singing. It amazes me, because I really suck at that game! :) 

I've made serious progress on our Ireland trip! So exciting!! 12 days in Ireland. We cannot wait, this will be our first trip to Europe, ever! We're taking Ashlyn, of course, because honestly I cannot imagine leaving my kid for 12 days. I've made all of our b&b reservations, I've got our itinerary pretty well planned out, all we have left is to buy our plane tickets. I've been looking but its one of those things where you don't want to overpay but you don't want to wait so long you don't get a good deal. Ugh! Soon, we'll be buying tickets and then there'll be no turning back. :)

 I think this shirt is too small? Half shirts are not
cool. At least that's what Mommy and Daddy told me
 self portrait w/ Mommy
 playing on the swing at Papa and Grandma G's house

 see my flower?
 standing next to the big bear
 at the Woodburn Tulip place
 with Mommy
driving the tractor

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