Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

May flowers and May showers

Rain, Rain, Go Away! All of that nice weather earlier this month was just a big tease darn it! We were loving it at our house. We did a lot of weeding, trimming and general yard clean-up. We were able to play outside in the yard, it was wonderful! We sure are looking forward to summer now!

Its been almost a month since my last post and we've been busy bees as usual. Mother's Day weekend we took Ashlyn to another play. This time we saw Frog & Toad. Another Oregon Children's Theater production. They read the book at school, so she was very familiar with the story. There was a lot of singing and dancing so she loved that part.

Mom and Ed came up that night because the next day was Mother's Day and I had planned pedicure for Mom and I. Well as were walking out the door Grandpa handed me a hundred dollar bill and said it was on him. So, we got the deluxe pedi! It was fabulous!! They soaked, scrubbed, oiled and massaged! There were hot rocks, hot towels and paraffin dips. Our little tootsie's have never looked so good! I almost fell alseep when she was massaging my feet. Ashlyn came with us and she got her toes painted with a sweet little design. She felt pretty special. At the end of it all, Grandpa only had $5 change!

One of my roommates from college, Virginia, got married the weekend after Mother's Day in Hood River at the Columbia Gorge Hotel. Ashlyn was one of the flower girls and she looked so darn cute! She was very excited and sure she wanted to do it. I gave her the option of saying no, but she insisted she wanted to do it. She did pretty good, she made it about half-way down the aisle before she realized there were 120 people staring at her!
The wedding was beautiful! The sun came out just in time to shine during the ceremony and for the cocktail hour. As we went inside to sit down for dinner, it started sprinkling. Perfect timing! We were able to catch up with some friends from college that we hadn't seen in years. One of them we found out lives just a few miles from us.

Ashlyn had her third dentist appointment last week and she was such a big girl. I was so proud of her! She laid in the chair and let the assistant look her in mouth, poke around in her mouth, floss her teeth, polish her teeth AND she got x-rays for the first time! It was pretty cool because you could see her permanent teeth coming up below the primary teeth. After the assistant did all the work, the dentist came over and looked around in her mouth and gave us an A++ for dental care. We need to floss more regularly but otherwise everything looks great. No cavities! She does have a little bit of an under bite, but they're just going to watch it. It may correct itself when she gets her permanent teeth, but if not she'll need braces to fix it.

Memorial weekend was busy but a lot of FUN!
Friday night after work I went to bed at 830pm and slept until 730am the next morning. It was wonderful!! I felt so refreshed Sat morning. We headed to Monroe later in the morning for my cousin's bachelorette party and Memorial Day BBQ. We got there early afternoon and since the party wasn't till 7pm we decided to try a couple of wineries in the area. One of them, Sweet Earth, we found last June. They do delicious Pinot and a really good Pinot Rose. The owners recommended their neighbor's winery, TeBri and told us we could just walk through the fields to get there. Another great find!
The bachelorette was party was a lot of fun later that night. We played some silly games, drank some champagne, told stories, etc. Jered came in to Eugene to pick us up and we didn't get home till 1am! I was a tired girl the next morning because my kiddo was the first one up the next morning at 7am.
Sunday Grammy and Grandpa had a BBQ and Grandpa bbq'd ribs. Yummy! There was lots of family and lots of Ashlyn's cousins there. Those kids had the best time! The climbed trees, they played hide and seek, they ran around with the dogs. There was lots of giggling and laughs.
Ashlyn played so hard, she almost didn't make it to the potty. She was wearing a dress of course and she got her panties and tights a little wet so I told her we had to change. She wanted clean tights but I didn't have any so I told she could just put her sweat pants on under her dress. It was getting cold outside anyway. She said, "but Mommy, then I won't look pretty!" Oh goodness! It didn't matter that her dress was dirty from rolling around in the grass and her tights were torn from climbing trees.
We had planned to go home after the BBQ because I had to work Mon but the BBQ didn't get over till after midnight! We ended up staying the night and driving home Monday morning. I didn't have to be at work till 11am so it worked out ok.
Work was slow and boring. I only had 4 patients and no one after 330pm. I was there till 11pm. It was a long night!

The big news in our Ireland trip plans is that we bought our tickets!!! We are so excited!! We have airline tickets, car reservation, all of our B&B's reserved, the itinerary just needs a few more tweaks!

They've been learning about airplanes and airports at school so the other day Ashlyn asked me, "Mommy when do we get to fly on an airplane again?" I told her when we go to Ireland. She said, "but Mommy I want to fly on an airplane again to Canada to see Grandma and Papa Mac!"

What's up next for us? We have a graduation party, two weddings, one camping trip, a birthday party, and who knows what else will come up! Ashlyn is going to spend the last week of June with Grammy and Grandpa so she can go to Vacation Bible School at Bellfountain Church. I used to go to VBS every summer when I was kid too. That's just the month of June!

 Our buffed and polished toes
Flower girl is ready for her moment
 She's got her lead on and she's ready!
such a big girl! Mommy was so proud!
Bailey, Ashlyn and Macy

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