Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 7, 2009

New Milestones.....

Ashlyn has had a big week!

We started giving her rice cereal yesterday! Most of it dribbled down her chin onto her bib but I'm thinking at least a little bit made it down. So far, she doesn't really like it. She just wants the bottle! We're giving her the cereal that has fruit in it too. I figured maybe that would make it a little sweeter cause it REALLY doesn't smell very good.

Tuesday is my day off this month and this week Ashlyn and I took Jered out for lunch. We went to a super great mexican restaurant. Sandoval's, yum-my. They make everything fresh, homemade. We both had the fish tacos and the fresh made tortillas made them de-lish! We're going back there again for sure. Ashlyn had soy milk in a bottle but I'm pretty sure she was jealous of our tacos!

Ashlyn was in the Junior Rose Parade in Hollywood on Wednesday. Wee Care took the two youngest classes, there were about 14 kids. They decorated the strollers with streamers and tassels. They slathered them all up with sunscreen because it was one of those 85 degree days. Robin (Ashlyn's teacher) said she did really good until about the last two blocks and then she was done. DONE! She doesn't cry much but when she reaches the end of her limits she lets you know.

We went to Leslie's graduation bbq yesterday and Ashlyn got to play with her cousin Nolan. I think they might be second cousins. Jered and Zach are first cousins so that makes Ashlyn and Nolan third cousins right? Laurie and I were sitting on the swing with the babies on our laps and they were having a conversation. It was so cute to see them babbling back and forth to each other. I wonder if they understood each other? Hmmm

Ashlyn seems to be growing and learning new things every day. She is really starting to be aware of her surroundings. She knows exactly where Jered and/or I am at all times. And if she doesn't she's looking for us or uses her 'voice' to let us know she wants to be able to see us. She likes to sit up but still can't do it by herself quite yet. She topples over to the side if we're not there to hold her up. She grabs at her toys and puts them right into her mouth. She's discovering that when she pushes with her legs the johnny jump up will move. She loves the johnny jump up and when she really 'gets' it she's going to love it even more. Today I caught her watching the dogs. I think this might be the first time she's realized they are even there. She was really watching them. She can put her soothie in her mouth by herself, but sometimes she gets it in backwards. She loves to suck on her thumb, fingers, whole fist. We weren't very excited when she started sucking her thumb but have realized its a losing battle and pretty much given up. She wins!!

Having fun in the johnny jump up!

Getting it!!!

Splashing in her new bathtub from her great grandma. She makes the biggest mess but I can't get mad. She loves it too much!

Having her first cereal. She didn't love it but it was fun to watch her. This is her activity chair. It has this foam thing that helps her to sit up.

It wasn't any better this morning either! :)

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