Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Ok I know its been a while since I've blogged or posted any pictures. Not much has been happening. Jered and I went to Edgefield last Saturday with some friends and had tons of fun. Edgefield is always a good time. My mom came up to babysit and got up with Ashlyn when she woke up at 3am, which was a REAL treat! I slept from midnight till 7am without waking up. Ahhhh, so nice! Thanks Mom!!

Ashlyn is still sick but I think finally getting over it. She still has a cough and wakes up a little stuffy but is doing way better than before. She's in the jumper right now and yelling at me to hurry up! She is getting way more vocal when she needs our attention. :)

One of the best parts of my day is picking her up from Wee Care. She gets a big smile on her face and flails her arms and legs because she's just as excited to see me as I am her!

We're going camping this weekend. It'll be Ashlyn's first camping trip! I'm really excited and a little worried. Wouldn't be a mom if I weren't right? I really hope it doesn't rain, that's my biggest worry. I checked the weather and the biggest chance for rain is Sat so I guess we'll see. Our second camping trip will be for the annual Ballard 4th of July trip to Honeyman.

She was only a couple of weeks old in this pick but I love it! She outgrew this outfit months ago.

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