Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Camping was a success!

Camping was a success! It sprinkled on us a little but we didn't get any real rain. It was a little chilly but that's what the campfire is for. I forgot my camera, ugh!! I couldn't believe it, so I don't have any pictures. Uncle Jim took some though and we're hoping he'll forward them to us. She was so cute in her three layers of clothes and furry hat! She looked like a little clown :) It was so relaxing. We got down there about 730 and Jered got us all set up. We parked ourselves next to the fire and enjoyed a few beers and the company. Zach and Laurie were there with Nolan, Jim and Kim, Kevin and Cole drove over on Sat. My dad and stepmom drove over to hang out for the afternoon on Sat. Totally surprised me!

We'll be camping again in less than two weeks. This time over at the coast at Honeyman for the annual Ballard family camping reunion. Ashlyn is going to be a professional little camper by the end of summer. Especially if we can squeeze out one more camping weekend before the end of this summer.

Yesterday was Ashlyn's 5 month birthday. She is getting so big and more aware of her surroundings. She's not interested at all in trying to role over (something I think she should have already done by now). She loves to sit up and to stand. She squeals so loudly when Jered throws her in the air. Our little daredevil! She's still drooling constantly, the front of her shirt is always wet. I'm wondering when her first tooth will come in. She's still sucking on her fingers, sometimes one at a time, sometimes all of them at once. She had a whole night last night just her and her daddy, I worked a double. They had a pretty good time. They did a lot of floor time, we're trying to get her to want to role over.

We're planning to go down to Woodburn tonight to see Ashlyn's grandparents again. Its been a while since we've seen them and we need to pick up our flowers. Grandpa Floyd has the greenest thumb I've ever seen. He always gives me a tomato plant too and I eat them all summer. Yummy! Plus we're out of pickles, gotta have grandma's pickles!

Having fun before bed!
Cute little toes

She loves her fingers!
After her bath.

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