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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Camping again!

We leave tomorrow afternoon for Florence to go camping again. Ashlyn is pretty excited I'm sure. I know Jered and I are. We're off for 4 days! A short but hopefully sweet vacation.

We've been working and working and that's about it. Grandma and Grandpa McGrath came over to babysit Ashlyn last Friday so we could go to Eli's wedding. Wedding was fun, drank a little too much wine :) Saturday we hung around the house, watched a bunch of movies and just relaxed. It was really really nice to not have to be anywhere. Sunday we took the dogs to the lake and Ashlyn loved watching the dogs jump in the water chasing the ball. She was captivated, it was so funny!! The dogs of course had a blast, it was hard to get them out of the water long enough to dry off.

I'll have lots of pictures after this weekend's camping trip :) Have a great 4th of July!

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