Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 30, 2009


We leave for the Grand Canyon and New Mexico on Saturday!! Yay, I am so looking forward to this vacation. Its been way too many since I've been to see my family in New Mexico. I know it was before I even met Jered and that was almost 9 years (holy moly!) ago. It should be a lot of fun. Plus I've been wanting to see the Grand Canyon for a while now too. Years ago when we were driving to New Mexico with my mom, she wanted to stop and neither me or my brother wanted to. We were both bratty teenagers, so at least now I'll appreciate it! I just wish my brother and nieces could be going on this trip too.

I miss the dogs already though. My cousin Melody picked them up this morning (Thanks Mel!) and drove them down to my dad's house. They'll be there 10 days! We'll drive down and pick them up the Sunday after we get back. I warned my dad that they're both a couple of boobs. They are really spoiled, we know they are but we love them. They were our first kids. My dad has two dogs too so they'll have lots of company and my step-mom is home most days so they'll probably be even more spoiled when we get back. :)

I hope everyone has been staying cool. It was 106 degrees yesterday in Portland! I am so happy I let Jered talk me into buying his friend's air conditioner a couple of years ago. Thanks to our big a.c. in the living room, the little my mom got us in our bedroom, and a couple of strategically placed fans, we are staying amazingly cool. Our electric bill is going to be outrageous I'm sure, since we haven't turned them off in a couple of weeks. Ashlyn does not like to be hot and if we turn it off during the day it takes too long to get the house cool at night.

We have cut off her 3-4 am feeding. She was really not happy with us on Monday! Tuesday she only cried about 10 minutes then went back to sleep. Last night she was a little more restless but still slept through. Its still a work in progress but we're getting there.

I'm sure I'll have lots to post when we get back from vacation. In the mean time everyone stay cool!

Look what I can do now!!!

This is my Uncle Keith. He went rafting with Mama and Daddy.

Mama thinks these signs are funny. It says Smog Advisory; Sat-Mon; Limit Driving. She said the Californians wouldn't know what to do with this!

Here's Daddy and Uncle Eli picking on Uncle Will.

Here's Daddy and Uncle Eli again. This time making fun of Josh because he fell asleep in his chair.

Uncle Eli and Christy arm wrestling......guess who won???

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