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Monday, July 6, 2009

Camping and moving out.....

We drove about 5 hours Thursday evening to get down to Florence for the annual 4th of July camping trip. It was so nice to finally get there and just relax. We didn't do much of anything at all except visit with all the family. Ashlyn had a good time but by the second day she was really starting to get stuffed up and it just got worse from there. She didn't sleep well the last two nights we were there so neither did Jered or I. Even though she didn't sleep well we still had a great time! And we'll be going again and again and again :)

Ashlyn has moved out of our bedroom. She has spent the last two nights in her own room in her big crib. She's done pretty well too. Last night she slept through her midnight feeding and woke up at 345am. She slept from 830pm to 345 am. Not too bad! Then back to sleep after a bottle and slept till about 615am. Now if we can just get her to skip the 345 feeding and go until about 6am that would be awesome!!

We went down to Great Grandma and Great Grandpa's house a couple of weeks ago. Here I am with my grandma Patsy.

Four generations of McGrath's. Jered, Great-grandma Glady, Grandpa Steve and Me!!

Me and Grandpa Steve

I love it when Daddy throws me in the air. I'm a little daredevil already!!

My grandpa Steve bought me this onesie. Its pretty funny :)

We went to pick up mama and daddy's wine club at the winery. Mama liked the flowers.

Daddy was best man at Uncle Eli's wedding. That's Uncle Justin, Uncle Eli and Daddy. They look pretty good in their tuxes huh?

Uncle Eli and Auntie Sam the night before at the rehearsal dinner.

The first morning camping. I wore this goofy hat all weekend to keep my head warm.

My cousin's Macy and Bailey in their matching outfits Grammy bought them.

Playing in my chair and yes daddy left his beer can sitting next to me but I didn't drink any of it. mama wouldn't let me :)

Cousin Dylan and Macy having root beer floats.

My grandpa Terry came to visit me at the campground. He hung out for a while then was going to the casino. He didn't call after so I'm going to guess that mama and daddy are still having to save for my college education.

A bunch of my cousins: Morgan, Rebecca, Bailey, Macy, Dylan, Rainey, and Della.

Mama and Daddy drove up the coast from Florence to Lincoln City. We stopped a few times along the way. This was near the sea lion caves and it was really smelly. I didn't notice though because I slept the whole way.

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