Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, July 20, 2009

She's a party animal!!

We had a lot of fun going to Kari's bridal shower on Sat. We played a few games, ate a little food and she opened lots of presents. They had made me gluten free cupcakes, yummy! Ashlyn refused to nap for more than 15 minutes but didn't get too cranky. She got held a lot, which she loves! She wasn't about to miss a moment of the party. She passed out on the way home and stayed asleep for about an hour and a half, thank goodness. After the shower we went to a friend's anniversary party at his wine shop. Ashlyn loves to party because she refused to go to sleep until after 10pm! But she did sleep until 7am so that was a real treat for me and Jered. We woke up, looked at each other and both of us said "did you get up with her last night?" Neither one of us had. Ahhh, bliss!

Ashlyn is doing great sleeping through the night. We get at least 8 hours most nights. One night last week she woke up at 330am but other than that she usually makes it till 530 or even 6am. Awesome! She's been eating like a champion lately. She loves applesauce, pears, sweet potatoes, carrots. Squash, bananas and peas are just ok. Not her favorite but she'll eat them. We'll be trying green beans and peaches this week. I mix her oatmeal in with whatever she's having and water it down a little. She gobbles it up most days. She's rolling over finally and talking up a storm. She still loves to chew on her fingers and slobbers like theres no tomorrow. She has her two bottom middle teeth and they were a little sore coming in. She was a little more crabby than usual for a week or two and didn't want to eat her solids just her bottle. Once they popped through she went back to being her smiley self. She has also found her toes/feet in the last few days. She loves to chew on them and it so cute to watch her try to get them in her mouth.

We had sorta planned to go to Sauvies Island on Sunday but didn't get home till after midnight Sat night. We went to a friends house after the wine party and before we knew it it was midnight. Time flies when you're having fun with good friends. So instead of Sauvies Island, which we'll just have to do on another weekend, we went to lunch and for a drive. We like to check out people's yards for landscape ideas.

I signed up for an extra shift a while back so I had to work last night. 11pm-7am. It was not fun. I hated leaving even though everyone was going to bed. I got to work and the first patient was ordered at 130am and they kept coming. But not close enough together for me to get any rest. They space them out every hour to two hours. Ugh!! I ended up doing five patients between 130 and 630am. Needless to say, I didn't get any sleep and came home to Ashlyn ready to play. She did let me take a little nap this morning with her. I had told my friend that I would come visit her today so after our morning nap we showered and headed to Vancouver. My friend Crystal broke her foot riding quads about a week ago and she's off for at least three weeks. She is BORED! Ashlyn and I hung out for the afternoon chit chatting and talking shop.

Jered had a softball game tonight and wanted me to tell everyone how he hit six homeruns and what a stud he is! :)

With Grandma and Aunt Kari at the bridal shower.
Having fun with Grammy....

She's crazy and she makes me laugh!

Aunt Kari with both my Great-grandmas

Cousin Leslie, she just graduated from nursing school and passed her boards, YAY!!!

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