Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Weddings, Weddings, Weddings.

Jered ran in the Hood to Coast relay race this weekend. He is pretty tired today and told me yesterday this will be the last time he does this. This was his third time so we'll see when it comes up again next year.

Since Jered was busy all weekend Ashlyn and I were home alone on Friday night. I hate being at home by myself. I'm a little bit of a scaredy cat. I put a stick in the sliding doors so that no one can open them and I make sure to lock our bedroom door. The smart people we bought the house from put a dead bolt lock on the door (they had kids) and I use it every time Jered's not home. So Ashlyn had to sleep in our room and she didn't sleep too well, but that's ok cause at least the boogey man didn't get us! :)

Yesterday I went to my friend Kelly's wedding. She's a friend from work and there were a bunch of us that went. It was a really good time and a really pretty place for a wedding. It was threatening rain all day but held off for the ceremony and only sprinkled on us a few minutes during the reception. Its always so funny to see everyone in regular clothes, we all look so different. I'm just used to seeing everyone in their scrubs. :) My friend Crystal's daughter Kayla came to the house to watch Ashlyn for me. It was really nice not having to bring her. Since Jered was off running to the coast I would have been all by myself. She's not that difficult, its just all the stuff that you have to bring with ya. Plus I wanted to be able to drink some champagne, which I did and enjoyed immensely!

Next up for us is another wedding! We leave this weekend to go to my very good friend Angela's wedding in LA. She's my friend from Cedars and I love her to death. She was our student at Cedars and we became really great friends. We used to go to a lot of happy hours :) and pretty much hung out every weekend going to the beach or shopping or whatever. She's getting married at the glass church in Palos Verdes. I'm really looking forward to seeing this church. I'd heard about it when I lived down there, but never went. I've heard its pretty amazing. We're staying with my other friend Noelle (we went to her wedding in May in Vegas) in Santa Clarita. I wish we were going for longer than just a few days because we won't have enough time to do much except go to the wedding. My other friend Daniele has offered to take pictures of Ashlyn (she's a photographer) but I don't think we'll have time. Bummer!

Today we are just staying home and going to veg in front of the TV. There are tons of things that we should do, but oh well! I'm sure we'll get it all done someday. :)

All my work peeps.

Yay! Kelly & Zac!

Maile eating her cake with two forks. This is my coordinator's daughter. Isn't she the cutest??

Kyle holding Anehla (Maile's sister). She wasn't too happy about it!

All of my work peeps. from left to right is Ally, Denise, Crystal, Kelly, me, Jenna, Val, Darryn and Tracie

Ashlyn playing this morning. Isn't she a big girl sitting up all by herself???

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Picnics and more picnics....

Well we have been busy! We went down to Monroe three weekends in a row. Three weeks ago to pick up our dogs from my dad. Two weekends ago to see my cousin Betsy. She lives in Florida and has for a while. She was visiting and my Aunt Jean had a bbq for her. It was so great to see her. She is still the same Betsy! I wish she would move back here, hopefully someday. She just graduated nursing school and is studying up for her boards so that she can be registered. I know its a difficult test because I have a few friends that have taken it. Good Luck Bets!

Last weekend we went down for another bbq. This time for my cousin Cindy and all her girls. They are here visiting from Wisconsin. We all wish they would move back too, but I know its hard to move and start your life over again. Jered and I did it a few years ago but we didn't kids then. Now that we have Ashlyn and the economy the way it is, I'd hate to have to start over again. Cindy's oldest, my cousin Anderea has a little girl, Arianna. Ari is just about 3 weeks older than Ashlyn and she is so cute!

Jered and I have just been working and working. Such is the life I guess. Ashlyn turned 7 months on Aug 22. She is sitting up now and is getting very bossy. She knows exactly whats she wants. She loves to yell and talk and to listen to her own voice. She's rolling over and will scoot around on her belly if she wants something that is close to her. She gets up on all fours but doesn't quite know what to do with her arms so she just throws them both out in front of her and rocks on her belly. She'll get it one of these days. We had to go in today for another shot. She only cried a little bit but she has been so cranky all afternoon. She finally went down for a nap, so I have a little peace and quite. She'll usually lay on the floor and play and talk to herself for a while so that I can get a few things done around the house. But not today, today she wanted all of my attention all of the time!

I was tired and ready to go home but no one would listen to me. This usually works!

Here I am with my new cousins. Alice, me, Ari, Kiley and Brandon

We went to Applebee's on Mama and Daddy's anniversary. 4 years!

Cousin Staci holding me and cousin Alice

Cousin Morgan ate a lot of chocolate cupcakes this day.

Me and Mama in my first swim class. It was a lot of fun. Next time I'm going to splash around more.
Smiling at Daddy!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sh** Happens....

This morning started off just like any other morning. We woke up, showered, dressed, packed my lunch. Jered got up to help with Ashlyn after she finished her morning bottle. He changed her diaper and got her dressed for "school". I put her in her carseat and we took off for work. I always park first, get her out of her carseat and we take the elevator down to the daycare. Ashlyn loves riding in the elevator. The beeps and the lights get her all excited. This morning when I took her out of her seat I had a little surprise.....she had SHIT everywhere! Ugh!!! it was coming out of her diaper, dripping down her leg. It was on me before I realized what was going on. Gross! She's teething right now and has had a few mishaps already this week. I've had to wash her carseat liner 4 times now! Its in the washer right now. I had her clutched to my chest with one arm, her legs dangling so that I could carry my purse, lunch bag and the huge pack of diapers that I had to bring in today. I literally threw her at Robyn, her Wee Care teacher, and thank goodness for Robyn because she cleaned her all up for me so that I could run to work. My first stop was the locker room to change my scrub top which had shit all over it. I barely clock in on time, changed my top and ran over to the plaza building in time to check on my student. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful, I couldn't have handled much more :)

We took Ashlyn for her first swim class last Sat. She had fun, she loves watching what the other kids are doing. She didn't totally relax, she was too busy watching. She did splash around a little bit and she loved it when I threw her up in the air and let her splash back down into the water. We'll be going again, not this Sat but next for sure. We paid for 8 classes so far. I hope she'll be a little fish before too long.

We had dinner last night with Jered's grandparents. It was great to see them, it had been a while. Jered's sister was also there. She's helping get the property ready for her wedding in Oct. This weekend we are heading to Monroe again for another bbq for another cousin. This time for my cousin Cindy and her girls from Wisconsin. Last weekend it was for my cousin Betsy from Florida. Jered always says I know more of first, second and third cousins than he does his first. :)

I'll have pictures soon, I haven't had a chance to download them from the weekend yet. Till then....

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The real world....

We're back from our vacation and back to the real world. Our week off went way too fast but we had a great time. We flew into Phoenix on Sat morning, stopped for breakfast at my mom's favorite place Cracker Barrel. I'm not really sure what all the fuss is about with this place but my mom and some of my other family thinks its the greatest. So we ate there twice!

We made it to Grand Canyon in time to check out the sunset. It was beautiful and seeing the Canyon for the first time during a sunset was awesome. We stayed the night in a little town just south of there and after breakfast we went back to the Canyon to walk around more. We also drove the rim road out which was on our way to Four Corners.

Jered was happy with Four Corners. I made him lay down in the middle of the monument and let me take his picture. Plus a very nice man from Florida took a family picture for us. Ashlyn is only 6 months old and has already stood in four states at one time!

After Four Corners we drove the last bit of the way to Kirtland to my family's place. It was so good to finally be there! We did a lot of driving in just two days. We didn't do much while we there, a lot of relaxing. It was so nice. Jered, Eddie, Uncle Rick and my cousin Ricky went fishing one day, they went shooting quite a few times. One day we drove to Durango and around my cousin Stephane's family ranch. We visited a lot! We ate way too much good food. When Sat rolled around again I don't think any of us were quite ready to go home yet.

Ashlyn did really good on the trip. She slept on the airplane, she slept in the car, she did NOT sleep all night except once. Another successful trip. Our next one is less than a month away. Another of our friends is getting married and we're flying down to LA for the wedding. We'll be flying into Burbank airport and staying with our other friends in Santa Clarita. This one will be short and sweet since we don't have as much time. But still great to see our friends and our other friends get married.

This is what Ashlyn did most of the time we were in the car....sleep!

With Mama and Daddy.

Grammy and Grandpa with Ashlyn.


Entrance to Grand Canyon

Ashlyn trying a lemon...she loved it!

Jered at 4 four states at once!

Tripp checking out Ashlyn...I'd love to know what he's thinking :)

The fisherman with their catch....

Grammy and Opa with Kayden, Ashlyn and Lexie

Grill Masters...Stefane and Ricky :)

Grammy holding Lexie and Ashlyn

Kayden, Lexie and Ashlyn

View of Mt St Helens from the airplane. Pretty cool!

Tori and Sinder were excited to come home. They stayed with my dad and Tracy for more than a week. Luke and Charlie jumped in too....I guess they didn't want them to go home!