Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Tomorrow is my last day of work before I'm on vacation! Woohoo!!! My last official vacation was last year Labor Day. Way too long ago! We are so excited for camping, Ashlyn is becoming a champion camper. This will be her third camping trip this year already. I can't wait to sit by a campfire, make a smores and catch up with all of my family!

This last weekend we gave Ashlyn her very piece of chocolate. Yeah, I know, deprived child! Jered was eating a Hershey's bar that was left over from our camping trip a couple of weekends ago and she wanted a bite....

Taking my first bite. I don't really like to try new things......
but this one turned out pretty good!
Ummmm, chocolate is yummy
More please????
Mama wouldn't give me any more chocolate. I did this for a good five minutes and neither her or Daddy would give me any more. No matter how loud I got, and I can get LOUD!!!

Honeyman here we come :o) Camping news and pictures coming up next week......Happy 4th of July and Happy birthday to my Grandpa in Canada. We love you!!!

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