Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 11, 2010

4th of July camping 2010

We had a great 4th of July camping trip! It only rained one day, which was awesome. It was all dried out by the next afternoon. Ashlyn had a great time playing with all the kids. Jered and I had a great time just relaxing! Here are a ton of pictures from the camping trip:

Ashlyn and Malia sitting on the step to the trailer
Macy and Ashlyn going down the big slide
I'm a big girl!!!
I'm so cool, I wear my hat backwards
Eating my breakfast at the table
I did not like sitting in this truck
Arie, Malia and me sitting in the wagon
Trying to fit all three of us in the two seater
I'm mad because I lost my seat
pretty mad
the best gluten free smore Mommy has ever eaten
at the lake, playing in the sand
fun in the sun!!
sand is hard to walk in
Grammy and Grandpa
yep, I'm pretty cool: sagging pants, sideways hat, little belly hanging out
I loved this wagon, so much fun!
you can't see me when I lay down
fun, fun, fun!!!

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