Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Doctor's and Ducklings

We took Ashlyn in Monday for her 18 month appointment. We talked about her constipation and the celiacs and getting rid of the soothie. She promised me that Ashlyn will not go off to college still needing a soothie at night. :o) First time mom here!! I'm going to stop worrying about her giving up the soothie now.

Her doctor told us to get this laxative type stuff that's not really a laxative because her body won't get addicted to it for her constipation. Its called Miralax. We're to give her that once a day at least until after she's potty trained which seems like a long time but since its more of a stool softener than a laxative its ok. Her doctor said the worst thing to do to a kid when trying potty train them is to let them be constipated. So we're on board with the laxative. Poor kid strains so hard to go, her face gets beet red, its sad.

We'll be testing for celiac's, thyroid disorders and anemia as soon as I can get her to the lab. Celiac's and thyroid usually go hand in hand (they do with me), they're both auto-immune diseases. Anemia is another one sometimes associated with celiacs as well so might as well get them all out of the way with one poke. I'm not looking forward to it, she freaked out when she her vaccines on Monday so I can just imagine how a blood draw is going to go. I don't want to go by myself so I'm waiting until Jered and I can go together. Maybe this weekend we'll see.

She officially became a Duckling on Monday and boy is she happy about it! She barely gives me a kiss goodbye in the mornings, just turns and waves and says "bye bye Mama, bye bye".  She's still ecstatic to see me in the afternoons though :o)

I've got a four day weekend this weekend....aaahhhhhh! I've been looking forward to this for a while. I switched a day off with one of my co-workers so that we'd both get a four day weekend. Jered and I had planned to maybe go camping but I think we've decided to just stay home. Our house is a disaster!  Jered's been working and we've been so busy on the weekends, we haven't had time to really clean. We're thinking about taking Ashlyn to the zoo again, maybe driving over to the coast for a day, whatever we feel like doing. Sounds so good to me!

I know this is the second post without pictures so hopefully I'll get time to post a few pics this weekend too!

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