Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Here's some pictures from the last couple of weeks. First Grandpa Floyd's birthday party. Then pictures of our trip to the coast, the zoo and to Olympia to see our friends Mike and Carrie:

Playing with Daddy's drum sticks!
I love my Daddy!
Did you know you can swim in the bathtub??? Its a lot of fun!
Riding on Grandpa's shoulders at the coast
With my Mommy and Daddy! We had a lot of fun at the coast even though it was a little windy and kinda foggy.
Laying on the blanket with Mommy
My sisters....aren't they pretty?
I was trying to touch the fish.
Look how tall me and Daddy are....almost 7 feet!!

Its kinda hard to see through the class but this orangutan was laying on the floor of his pen staring up at us.
I thought he was SO cool because he kept looking at me.
We went up to Olympia to see our friends from Calgary and stayed at their Aunt's house on the peninsula. This was the view of the sunset on Friday night.....not too shabby of a place to spend a night with awesome friends, drinking a few bottles of wine, looking at this!

This was the what we woke up to. Beautiful!
I had a lot of fun playing in the yard, running around with my new friends Tate and Owen.
On our way back last night we dropped Mommy at a party with her friends from work. There's Bri, Ally, Denise, Mommy and Jenna.

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