Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pictures of Canada.....

5am....and on the road!
Biggest chair we've ever seen!

Our first stop was Hell's Gate in the Fraser River Canyon
We road down in these gondolas, even Grammy!
There's Daddy out in the river fishing.
But this is Mama's salmon!!!
Mama and Daddy before they left for their boat trip
Daddy pulling in the crab pots
Some of their catch
Playing with Grandma Mac
giving kisses!!
That's Grammy and Grandma out on the dock. They went swimming in the lake with Mommy while I was napping in the house.
That's Papa and Grandma Mac's house in the middle and the dock by the lake.
I liked looking through this door when people were on the other side. FUN!!
Hanging with Grandma
Family day on the boat, I loved looking at the water!
Grandpa made sure I didn't fall in
Its really pretty in the channel
Sitting in the hotsprings
Papa Mac jumping into the water
Our last night, Mama and Daddy on the dock
They were watching the sunset
This is me and my cousin Macy
Going down the slide all by myself, weeeee!!!
This is how I found Ashlyn sleeping the other night. She is such a tornado when she sleeps.

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