Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Four Day

Well my four day was pretty fantastic! We had a lot of fun. We went to the Oregon Brew Fest on Friday afternoon with some friends. Another friend of ours babysat Ashlyn, which was so nice of her since we called kinda last minute.

Saturday we wanted to go fishing, so we drove up the Wilson River trying to find a nice fishing spot. I forgot the camera so I don't have any pictures but it was an awesome spot. Jered was getting his pole all set up right about the same time the dogs took a flying leap into his fishing hole. We should've known better than to take two water dogs fishing. Needless to say we didn't catch any fish, but the dogs had an awesome time! So did Ashlyn. We splashed around the shallow parts of the river and after being a bit hesitant, she really had a lot of fun.

Sunday we met Mom and Eddie in Rickreall and drove over to Lincoln City. My cousin Kourtney came along too as did half the population of Oregon. It was crowded! and foggy and a little windy. We went down towards Depoe Bay to have lunch and ran into Jered's Aunt Edie and cousin Shelly. After lunch we spent a couple of hours hanging out on the beach. It was still a little foggy and windy but not so cold that it was uncomfortable. We walked around Depoe Bay a little, had some ice cream, got some fudge and taffy, did a little shopping and then headed home. A great day!

On Monday we took Ashlyn to the zoo. We're zoo members so its nice to be able to go for just a couple hours which is about all Ashlyn can handle right now anyway. She really likes the fish and she really liked the orangatan this time too. We stayed till we started to get hungry and Ashlyn was ready for her nap. We got some take-out sushi and went to Washington park for a picnic. Ashlyn napped and we ate our sushi and enjoyed the sunshine. It was a great end to a fabulous weekend.

Then it was back to work, four days in a row. Ugh! By Thursday I wasn't sure if I could do one more day. I did of course. We got a call from some of our very best friends on Wednesday night. They were going to be in Olympia visiting their Aunt this last weekend and wondered if we would drive up and stay the night Friday night. They live in Calgary now and we hadn't seen them in almost three years. A lot of things have changed since the last time we saw them. They have two boys, we have Ashlyn, we're older, smarter (I hope), more responsiblities. But as soon as we're together again its just like old times. Mike said to me "you guys are exactly the same, there's just three of you now". Their Aunt wasn't going to be there until Saturday so we had her big beautiful amazing house all to ourselves. She lives on the peninsula in Olympia right on the water, I already posted a few pictures of the view. We stayed up too late Friday night talking and drinking wine but it was worth the headache the next morning. We spent most of Saturday hanging out, went to the glass museum in Tacoma (a little disappointing but some beautiful pieces), had a seafood lunch and then drove home. Short and sweet but totally worth the trip.

Jered dropped me off at a bacherlorette party for my friend from work. We had a lot of fun! Had a few drinks, ate some appetizers, people watched and danced a lot.

Today I'm just starting to get ready for our trip to Kitimat. We're leaving super early Thurs morning and we're getting really excited. The best news we got this last week though: Jered got a new job...Yay!!! He'll have to commute but its a pretty good oppurtunity and he's pretty excited about it. I hope it'll be a good move for him. There's oppurtunity for growth and a lot of overtime if he wants it. He can be a workaholic so I'm sure he'll take advantage of some of it.

I'll have a long post and pictures of our trip after we get back! Have a great week and wish us luck on our long drive :o)

Pictures are in the previous post....

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